Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Dahu is currently participating in one ANR project:

  • ENUM

    is a research project supported by the ANR blanche (2007-2011) on algorithmic and complexity problems raised by enumerating solutions of a query. The goal is to provide formal methods to understand and compare the complexity of enumerations problems. The partners are University of Paris-7 (with Arnaud Durand), the project-team Mostrare at INRIA-Lille (with Joachim Niehren), the university of Caen (with Etienne Grandjean) and the university of Marseille (with Nadia Creignou). Dahu is involved in the ANR as part of the Paris-7 node. For more information please visit the web pages of ENUM: https://gforge.inria.fr/plugins/wiki/index.php?EnumerationProject&id=267&type=g .

Dahu is also the coordinator of one ARC INRIA


    is an ARC INRIA on Access Control for Web data, a two years project starting in 2010. The goal of this project is to study security and access control techniques for Web data exchange, and in particular the problems of the verification of access control policies (ACP) for XML and of the enforcement of ACP for secure query evaluation and update propagation. As a case study, the results are applied to an XML-based collaborative editing system. The partners are the teams CASSIS and PAREO at the INRIA center of Nancy-Grand-Est, and the team MOSTRARE at the the INRIA center of Lille-Nord-Europe. For more information please visit the web pages: http://acxml.gforge.inria.fr .