Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

INRIA International Partners

Victor Vianu, UC San Diego, USA.

Visits of International Scientists

Senior scientists on sabbatical
  • Victor Vianu (from Jan 2011 until september 2011)

    • Subject: AXML

    • Institution: UC San Diego (USA)

  • Howard Straubing (from Mai 15 until June 15)

    • Subject: Tree automata

    • Institution: Boston College (USA)

  • Facundo CARREIRO (from Mar 2011 until Jul 2011)

    • Subject: Arithmetical and Language-based Constraints on Finite Ordered Trees

    • Institution: Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Participation In International Programs

Dahu is coordinator (on the French side) of the project INRIA-DGRSRT (Tunisian universities) 10/I01 on the verification of security properties of Web services, access control policies and firewalls for XML. This project started in 2010, the other partners are the CASSIS team at INRIA Nancy-Grand-Est and the Security team at Sup'Com Tunis.