Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

ARED Région Bretagne

Participant : Bruno Tuffin.

ARED contract (with Région Bretagne) for the PhD thesis of Sagga Samira on rare event simulation with applications in telecommunications.

SISCom International Research Chair "Future Telecommunication Ecosystems"

Participants : Peter Reichl, Bruno Tuffin.

Cross-connecting related activities at SISCom partners (INRIA Rennes ? Bretagne Atlantique, Télécom Bretagne Rennes, and CNRS) and the Telecommunications Research Center Vienna (FTW), Austria, the main goal of the SISCom International Chair on "Future Telecommunication Ecosystems" is to develop an overall perspective of current and future research in this holistic area where user-driven research and microeconomic modeling meet the technical challenges of future telecommunications. Additionally, selected research questions in the areas of Quality of Experience, game theoretic models of cooperation and competition between users and/or providers, and future pervasive interaction will be addressed more specifically and may serve as starting points for joint follow-on activities, thus supporting the sustainability of this initiative.

The SISCom International Research Chair is funded jointly by Université Europèenne de Bretagne, Région Bretagne, and the European Regional Development Fund, and is hosted by INRIA Rennes Bretagne-Atlantique for the period December 2010 through September 2011.