Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

Editorial boards of scientific journals

  • P. Alliez is an associate editor of ACM Transactions on Graphics and Graphical Models.

  • J-D. Boissonnat is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of the ACM, Discrete and Computational Geometry, Algorithmica, the International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications and the electronic Journal of Computational Geometry. He is also a member of the editorial advisory board of the Springer Verlag book series Geometry and Computing.

  • F. Chazal is an associate editor of Graphical Models and SIAM journal on Imaging Science.

  • Olivier Devillers is a member of the Editorial Board of Graphical Models.

  • Monique Teillaud is a member of the Editorial Boards of CGTA, Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, and of IJCGA, International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications.

  • M. Yvinec is a member of the editorial board of Journal of Discrete Algorithms.

  • P. Alliez, M. Teillaud (review manager), and M. Yvinec are members of the cgal editorial board.

Conference program committees

  • Pierre Alliez was a program committee member of EUROGRAPHICS, EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Geometry Processing, Shape Modeling International, Sibgrapi and VAST International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage.

  • David Cohen-Steiner was a program committee member of EUROGRAPHICS, EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Geometry Processing, Shape Modelling International.

  • J-D. Boissonnat was a program committee member of the SIAM/ACM Joint Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling, the EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Geometry Processing and Sibgrapi.

  • Olivier Devillers was a program committee member of the 11th Symposium on Computational Geometry.

  • Monique Teillaud was a program committee member of WADS, Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium.

Steering committees

  • Monique Teillaud is a member of the Computational Geometry Steering Committee.

Ph.D. thesis and HDR committees

  • Pierre Alliez was a referee and member of the Ph.D. defense committee of Sahar Hassan (University of Grenoble), Clément Courbet (École Centrale Paris) and Vincent Vidal (Université de Lyon). He was a referee and member of the habilitation defense committee of Raphaëlle Chaine (Université de Lyon). He was a member of the Ph.D. defense committee of Patrick Mullen (Caltech) and Marcio Cabral (INRIA Sophia).

  • J-D Boissonnat was a member of the HDR defense committee of Xavier Goaoc (INRIA Lorraine) and Dominique Attali (GIPSA-LAB, Grenoble). He was a member of the PhD defense committee of Tom Dreyfus from the ABS project team, university of Nice Sophia Antipolis.

  • Olivier Devillers was a referee and a member of the PhD defense committee of Guillaume Batog, «Problèmes classiques en vision par ordinateur et en géométrie algorithmique revisités via la géométrie des droites», Université Nancy 2.

  • Monique Teillaud was a referee and a member of the PhD defense committee of Maria Saumell Mendiola, “Some problems on proximity graphs”, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelone.

INRIA committees

  • P. Alliez is member of the COST GTAI (conseil d'orientation scientifique et technologique, groupe de travail actions incitatives), of the commission d'animation scientifique (CAS) and of the comité de suivi doctoral (CSD).

  • F. Chazal is the chair of the “Commission scientifique” at INRIA Saclay - Île de France.

  • F. Chazal has been a member of the CR2/CR1 recruitment committee at INRIA Saclay.

  • Monique Teillaud is a member of the INRIA Evaluation Committee, and of the INRIA Sophia CDT (Committee for Technologic Development), and the national INRIA CDT. She was a member of the national INRIA CR2 recruitment committee.

Other committees

  • J.-D. Boissonnat is a member of the working groups GP1 (Modèles et calcul) and GP2 (Logiciels et systèmes informatiques) de l’Alliance des sciences et technologies du numérique (Allistène).

  • J.-D. Boissonnat is a member of the AERES Board (Evaluation Agency for Research and Higher Education).

  • J-D. Boissonnat was a member of the Evaluation Committee in charge of the evaluation of research in Computer Science at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).

  • F. Chazal is a member of the Scientific Council of AMIES (Agence pour les Mathématiques en Interaction avec l'Industrie et la Société)

  • F. Chazal is a member of the “Comité de pilotage” of the MAIRCI and SIGMA (ex-AFA) groups of the SMAI.

  • O. Devillers was a member of the AERES Committee for the evaluation of the «Laboratoire de Mathématiques, Informatique et Applications de l'Université de Haute Alsace».

  • M. Glisse is a member of the experts group of AFNOR for the standardization of the C++ language within the ISO/WG21 working group.

Conference organization

  • F. Chazal, M. Glisse and S. Oudot organized the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2011) in Paris: http://socg2011.inria.fr/ .

  • J.-D. Boissonnat and D. Cohen-Steiner (in collaboration with J. Giesen) organized the CG Learning Kick-off Workshop in Paris: http://cgl.uni-jena.de/Workshops/WebHome .

  • J.-D. Boissonnat chairs the scientific committee of the Jacques Morgenstern Colloquium.

  • Monique Teillaud organized the Dagstuhl Seminar on Computational Geometry, with Pankaj K. Agarwal (Duke University) and Kurt Mehlhorn (MPII Saarbrücken), Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Germany, March 13-18, 2011. http://www.dagstuhl.de/en/program/calendar/semhp/?semnr=11111

Web site

M. Teillaud is maintaining the Computational Geometry Web Pages http://www.computational-geometry.org/ , hosted by INRIA. This site offers general interest information for the computational geometry community, in particular the Web proceedings of the Video Review of Computational Geometry, part of the Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry.