Section: Dissemination

Participation to conferences, seminars, invitations

Invited Talks

  • F. Chazal, 9th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications, special session on high-dimensional geometry, Geometric Inference Using Distance-like Functions, Singapore, May 6.

  • F. Chazal, 4th International Conference on Computational Harmonic Analysis, Surface Segmentation Using Heat Kernel Signature and Topological Persistence, City University of Hong-Kong, May 23.

  • A. Ghosh, Summer school on Computational Geometric Learning, Reconstructing and meshing submanifolds, Paris, June 9.

  • F. Chazal, SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry, mini-symposium on Persistent Homology, Persistence-based Signatures for Matric spaces, North Carolina State University, October 6.

  • P. Alliez, Trimester Program on Computational Manifolds and Applications, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, October 17-21.

  • F. Chazal, Workshop on Computational Topology, Persistence-based Signatures for Metric spaces, Fields Institute in Toronto, November 11.

  • Olivier Devillers, “The effect of noise on the number of extreme points” Dagstuhl seminar, March 18th.

  • S. Oudot, Workshop on Computational Topology, Stable Multi-Scale Signatures for Shapes using Topological Persistence, Fields Institute in Toronto, November 11.

  • S. Oudot, Journée scientifique SMAI-SIGMA 2011, Unsupervised Learning using Topological Persistence, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, November 18.


Members of the project have presented their published articles at conferences. The reader can refer to the bibliography to obtain the corresponding list. We list below all other talks given in seminars, summer schools and other workshops.

  • Olivier Devillers, “Delaunay triangulation, theory vs practice”, University of Crete, November 16th.

  • Monique Teillaud, “Delaunay Triangulations of Point Sets in Closed Euclidean d-Manifolds”, University of Crete, November 23th.

  • Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, “Anisotropic Delaunay Meshes of Surfaces”, Telecom ParisTech, November 25th.

  • Mariette Yvinec, “Anisotropic Delaunay meshes “, Weierstrass Institute, Berlin, May 24.

  • Mariette Yvinec, “CGALmesh”, Weierstrass Institute, Berlin, May 26.

The Geometrica seminar


The Geometrica seminar featured presentations from the following visiting scientists:

  • Maks Ovsjanikov (Stanford University / Google): Structure Discovery and Exploration in Unorganized Collections of 3D Models.

  • Donald Sheehy (Carnegie Mellon University): Mesh Generation and Geometric Persistent Homology.

  • Quentin Mérigot (LJK, Grenoble): Witnessed k-distance.

  • Jian Sun (Tsinghua University, Pékin): Fuzzy Geodesics and Consistent Sparse Correspondences For Deformable Shapes.

  • Tetsuo Asano (JAIST, Japon): Designing Algorithms with Limited Workspace.

  • Menelaos Karavelas (UOC, Grèce): The maximum number of faces of the Minkowski sum of two convex polytopes.

  • Mathieu Desbrun (Caltech): HOT: Hodge-Optimized Triangulations.

  • Meizhu Liu (University of Florida): Total Bregman Divergence and Applications.

  • Chandrajit Bajaj (University of Texas, Austin): Harmonic Analysis for Molecular Docking.

  • David Bommes (RWTH, Aachen): Generating and Optimizing Quadrilateral Surface Meshes for Animation and Simulation.

  • Samuel Hornus (INRIA Nancy): By-example Synthesis of Architectural Textures.

  • T. Lewiner (PUC, Rio de Janeiro): Topology-Aware Vector Field Visualization by Self-Animating Images.

  • Julie Digne (CMLA, Cachan): Scale Space for Point Clouds and Applications.

  • J.E. Deschaud (Mines ParisTech, Paris): Dense Point Cloud Processing and 3D Environment Modelling from LIDAR/Camera Mobile Systems.

  • Deok-Soo Kim (Hangyang University, Seoul): Beta-complex: Theory and Applications in Computational Molecular Biology.

  • Alla Sheffer (UBC, Canada): Space-Time Reconstruction - Understanding Motion.

  • Florent Lafarge (INRIA): Some Contributions to Urban Scene Modeling by Energy Minimization Based Approaches.

  • Xianhai Meng (Beihang University, Chine): Mesh Generation and 3D Geological Modeling.

Scientific visits

  • Monique Teillaud, University of Groningen, May 9-21.

  • Mikhail Bogdanov, University of Groningen, May 9-31.

  • Frédéric Chazal, City University of Hong-Kong, May 16-29.

  • Mariette Yvinec, Weierstrass institute in Berlin, May 23-28.

  • Pierre Alliez, Caltech, October 25 - November 10.

  • Marc Glisse, Ohio State University, November 13-19.

  • Steve Oudot, Ohio State University, November 13-17.

  • Olivier Devillers, University of Crete, November 13-25.

  • Monique Teillaud, University of Crete, November 13-25.

  • Monique Teillaud, University of Groningen, December 5-13.

  • Olivier Devillers, EPI vegas , December 7-15.