Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry


Participant : François Rechenmann.

Genostar, an INRIA start-up created in 2004, is a company developing software and solutions for the management and analysis of genomic and post-genomic data. The software has been developed, from 1999 to 2004, by the Genostar consortium (INRIA, Institut Pasteur, and the two biotech companies Genome Express and Hybrigenics) and by the HELIX project-team. It includes several modules originally developed by HELIX, notably GenoAnnot, GenoLink, GenoBool and GenoExpertBacteria. The modules have been integrated in the Iogma bioinformatics environment, which also includes the modeling and simulation tool GNA developed by members of IBIS (Section  5.1 ). François Rechenmann is scientific consultant of the company. For more information, see http://www.genostar.com .