Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Participants : Mohamed Ayari, Matthijs Douze, Dan Oneata, Danila Potapov, Alessandro Prest, Cordelia Schmid.
Quaero is a French-German search engine project supported by OSEO. It runs from 2008 to 2013 and includes many academic and industrial partners, such as INRIA, CNRS, the universities of Karlsruhe and Aachen as well as LTU, Exalead and INA. LEAR/INRIA is involved in the tasks of automatic image annotation, image clustering as well as large-scale image and video search. See for more details.
Participants : Guillaume Fortier, Cordelia Schmid, Jakob Verbeek.
This three year project started in November 2010. It is aimed at identifying people in video using both audio (using speech and speaker recognition) and visual data in challenging footage such as news broadcasts, or movies. The partners of this project are the CNRS laboratories LIMSI and LIG, the university of Caen, INRIA's LEAR team, as well as two industrial partners Yacast and Vecsys Research.
ANR Project GAIA
Participants : Cordelia Schmid, Jakob Verbeek.
GAIA is an ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) “blanc” project that is running for 4 years starting October 2007. It aims at fostering the interaction between three major domains of computer science—computational geometry, machine learning and computer vision—, for example by studying information distortion measures. The partners are the INRIA project-teams Geometrica and LEAR as well as the University of Antilles-Guyane and Ecole Polytechnique.
Participants : Frédéric Jurie [University of Caen] , Cordelia Schmid, Gaurav Sharma.
Video surveillance systems are currently installed in many public areas. As their number increases, the manual analysis becomes impossible. The three-year project SCARFACE (2009-2011) develops tools to automatically access large volumes of video content in order to help investigators solve a crime. These tools will search videos based on human attributes, which describe the suspect. The participant of the project are: the university of Lille the INRIA Imedia team, SpikeNet, EADS, the University of Caen, and LEAR.