Section: Dissemination
Leadership within the scientific community
Conference, workshop, and summer school organization:
C. Schmid: Co-organizer of the INRIA Visual Recognition and Machine Learning Summer School, Paris, July 2011. Attracted a total of 175 participants (31% from France, 50% from Europe and 20% from America and Asia).
C. Schmid: co-organizer IPAM workshop Large Scale Multimedia Search, January 9–13, 2012.
Editorial boards:
Program chair:
Area chair:
Program committees:
C. Schmid was nominated IEEE Fellow, 2012.
J. Verbeek was awarded an Outstanding Reviewer Award at CVPR '11.
In the PASCAL visual object classes challenge 2011 our work on human action recognition achieved best results on three out of ten action classes and the best result on average over all classes, see for more details.
We participated in two tracks of TrecVid 2011, one of the major benchmarks in automatic video analysis. In the Copy Detection task our results were best for 23 of the 56 transformation types. In the Multimedia Event Detection task we ranked 8-th out of 22 participants.