Section: New Results
Class groups and other invariants of number fields
Participants : Jean-François Biasse, Jean-Paul Cerri, Pierre Lezowski.
J.-F.Biasse has determined a class of number fields for which the ideal class group, the regulator, and a system of fundamental units of the maximal order can be computed in subexponential time (whereas the best previously known algorithms have complexity ). This class of number fields is analogous to the class of curves described in [13] , cf. ref ssec:dlog. The article [18] has been submitted to Mathematics of Computation.
Using new theoretical ideas and his novel algorithmic approach, J.-P. Cerri has discovered examples of generalised Euclidean number fields and of 2-stage norm-Euclidean number fields in degree greater than 2 [11] . These notions, extending the link between usual Euclideanity and principality of the ring of integers of a number field had already received much attention before; however, examples were only known for quadratic fields.
P. Lezowski extended J.-P. Cerri's algorithm, which was restricted to totally real number fields, to decide whether a generic number field is norm-Euclidean. His procedure allowed to find principal and non norm-Euclidean number fields of various signatures and degrees up to 8, but also to give further insight about the norm-Euclideanity of some cyclotomic fields. Besides, many new examples of generalised Euclidean and 2-stage Euclidean number fields were obtained. The article [25] has been submitted to Mathematics of Computation.
In another direction, norm-Euclidean ideal classes have been studied. They generalise the notion of norm-Euclideanity to non principal number fields. Very few such number fields were known before. A modification of the algorithm provided many new examples and allowed to complete the study of pure cubic fields equipped with a norm-Euclidean ideal class. The article [26] has been submitted to International Journal of Number Theory.
With E. Hallouin, J.-M. Couveignes has studied descent obstructions for varieties [21] . Such obstructions play an important role when one studies families of varieties (e.g. curves of a given genus). Obstructions are often measured by elements in groups like class groups. The theory of stacks provides a more general treatment for these obstructions. Couveignes and Hallouin give the first example of a global obstruction for a variety (that is an obstruction that vanishes locally at every place).