Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives


The Epsilon project is an ANR project entitled “Domain decomposition and multi-scale computations of singularities in mechanical structures”. The members are Ecole Polytechnique, I3m at Montpellier, Laga at Paris-Nord and INRIA. INRIA is particularly involved in the modeling and simulation of an assembly of structures containing a very thin layer embedded in a 3D structure. This is the subject of the PhD thesis of Sofiene Hendili (co-supervised by Montpellier and INRIA)


DISCO(http://chercheurs.lille.inria.fr/~gloria/DISCO.html ) (du DIScret au COntinu pour les polymères réticulés) is an INRIA ARC. The members are EPI SIMPAF (Antoine Gloria) and MACS (Maya de Buhan and Marina Vidrascu) from INRIA, Ecole polytechnique, ESPCI, and the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (Leipzig). The leader is Antoine Gloria (EPI SIMPAF). The main objective is the design, mathematical analysis, numerical analysis, and numerical simulation of discrete models for rubber. A workshop was organized in January 2011.