Section: Dissemination
Teaching and supervision
Teaching activities
- E. Altman
- K. Avrachenkov
- N. Choungmo Fofack
- A. Jean-Marie
- D. Mazauric
- P. Nain
- G. Neglia
Licence : “Probability and Statistics”, 35H (38.5H ETD), 1st year Applied Mathematics and Modeling Engineering degree (L3), University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS), France.
Master : “Performance Evaluation of Networks”, 15H (22.5H ETD), M2 IFI Ubinet, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS), France.
Master : “Introduction to Fluid Models”, 6H (9H ETD), M2, University of Palermo, Italy.
Doctoral module : “Introduction to Game Theory”, 4H (6H ETD), PhD school, organized by the Italian Control Theory Society, Italy.
HDR and PhD theses
PhD: Dorian Mazauric, “Discrete optimization in telecommunication networks: reconfiguration of the routing, energy efficient routing, link scheduling, and data placement” [12] , University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, November 7 2011, advisors: Jean-Claude Bermond (Inria project-team Mascotte ) and Philippe Nain.
PhD: Sreenath Ramanath, “Cell design and resource allocation for small cell networks” [13] , University of Avignon, October 6 2011, advisors: Eitan Altman and Merouane Debbah (Supelec ).
PhD in progress: Nicaise Choungmo Fofack, “Analysis of green strategies in wireless cellular networks,” October 1 2010, advisors: Sara Alouf and Philippe Nain.
PhD in progress: Richard Combes, “Self-organizing functionalities in radio networks,” October 1 2009, advisors: Eitan Altman and Zwi Altman (France Telecom) and Sylvain Sorin (University Pierre and Marie Curie).
PhD in progress: Mahmoud El Chamie, “Belief propagation in complex networks,” October 1 2011, advisors: Konstantin Avrachenkov and Giovanni Neglia.
PhD in progress: Julien Gaillard, “Creation, simulation and multidiscipline evaluation of dynamic mobility models in complex systems,” October 1 2011, advisors: Eitan Altman, Marc El-Bèze (University of Avignon) and Emmanuel Ethis (University of Avignon).
PhD in progress: Manjesh Kumar Hanawal, “Resource allocation and learning algorithms in small cells wireless networks,” January 1 2010, advisors: Eitan Altman and Rachid El-Azouzi (University of Avignon).
PhD in progress: Cengis Hasan, “Optimization of resource allocation for small cells networks,” October 1 2010, advisors: Eitan Altman and Jean-Marie Gorce (Inria project-team Swing ).
PhD in progress: Lorenzo Maggi, “Game theory for wireless communications,” November 1 2009, advisors: Konstantin Avrachenkov and Laura Cottatellucci (Institut Eurecom ).
PhD in progress: Marina Sokol, “Clustering and learning tecnhiques for traffic/user classification,” October 1 2009, advisors: Paulo Gonçalves (Inria project-team Reso ) and Philippe Nain.