Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry

ADR “Semantic Networking” and “Self Optimizing Wireless Networks” of INRIA Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs joint laboratory (2008–2011)

Maestro participates in the ADR (Action de Recherche/Research Action) “Semantic Networking” (SemNet ) and “Self Optimization in Wireless Networks” (SelfNet ), two of the three ADRs of the Inria Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs joint laboratory. These ADRs started on January 1st 2008 and will last for four years.

Isabelle Guérin Lassous (Inria project-team Reso ) is the coordinator for Inria of the ADR SemNet and Bruno Gaujal (head of Inria project-team Mescal ) is the coordinator for Inria of the ADR SelfNet . Altcatel-Lucent coordinators of ADRs SemNet and SelfNet are Ludovic Noirie and Laurent Roullet, respectively.

ADR “Semantic Networking”

Participants : Sara Alouf, Eitan Altman, Konstantin Avrachenkov, Philippe Nain, Marina Sokol.

The new paradigm of “semantic networking” for the networks of the future brings together “flow-based networking”, “traffic-awareness” and “self-management” concepts to get “plug-and-play” networks. The natural traffic granularity is the flow. Maestro 's task is to elaborate on the scheduling of flows in routers having in mind the fairness among flows with different round-trip times. Three joint Inria Acatel-Lucent patents have been filed already, one in 2009 (inventors for Inria : S. Alouf, K. Avrachenkov, D. Carra, P. Nain) and two in 2010 (inventors for Inria : S. Alouf, K. Avrachenkov, A. Blanc).

ADR “Self Optimizing Wireless Networks”

Participants : Eitan Altman, Manjesh Kumar Hanawal, Sreenath Ramanath.

E. Altman is responsible for Inria of the work package on the “Design of Pico Cell Networks” whose objective is to increase the capacity with lower energy requirements. One joint Inria Acatel-Lucent patent has been filed [87] and two were submitted in 2011 (inventors for Inria : E. Altman and S. Ramanath).