Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives


Participants : Mauricio Araya, Marie Tonnelier, Vincent Thomas, Olivier Buffet, François Charpillet.

Laurent Bougrain (CORTEX team, LORIA) is an external collaborator.

The COMAC(COMAC = contrôle optimisé multi-techniques des aérostructures composites / optimised multi-technique control of composite aeronautic parts) project is part of the Materalia competitive cluster. The main objective of the project is to develop diagnosis tools for the low cost identification of defaults in aeronautics parts made of composite materials.

In collaboration with Laurent Bougrain, one of our objectives is to propose a software toolbox for computer-aided diagnosis in this context. The current project is a system relying on expert knowledge taking the form of a database of labeled images.

In the MAIA team, our research effort focuses more precisely on information gathering problems involving active sensors, i.e., an intelligent system which has to select the observations to perform (which sensor, where, at which resolution). Mauricio Araya's undergoing PhD looks precisely at the topic of Active Sensing (Section  6.1.8 ).

Multi-agent simulation of public transportation

Participant : Vincent Chevrier.

This collaboration with the CUGN (communauté urbaine du grand Nancy - Pole Transport) aims at a better understanding of the functioning of the transportation of the Grand-Nancy. A first part of the work aims at providing an accurate and meaningful understanding of the transportation system. Through student projects we propose different viewpoints to enhance this understanding. After validation of the Pole Transport, some of these viewpoints have been integrated in tools to produce daily report at the Pole Transport.

A second part is dedicated to the explanation of the dynamics of transportation systems. We are developing a multi-agent model of the tramway line which integrates real data (traveling time during stops). We are able to reproduce an equivalent functioning without perturbation. Recently, we showed that if we perturb the system, it responds similarily as the real system. For example, halting a tramway at a stop, figuring a lot of people being waiting and taking it, induces a comparable response in the simulator regarding to the real system.