Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7

Agent Technical Fora

The Agent Technical Fora have been created by AgentLink III. and consist of several working groups called Technical Forum Groups. These groups of researchers and developers share an interest in a specific sub-area of agent and multi-agent technology. Since the end of AgentLink, the Technical Fora have been organized jointly to the EUMAS conference, starting in 2006.

Technical Forum Group: “Self-Organization”

Participants : Christine Bourjot, Vincent Chevrier, Vincent Thomas.

Vincent Chevrier was promoter of the Technical Forum Group “Self Organization”. The aim of the TFG is to work on self-organization in complex distributed systems such as multi-agent systems. The group members have been involved in the writing of a book entitled Self-Organising Software - From Natural to Artificial Adaptation where the MAIA team is responsible for two chapters [44] , [45] .

Technical Forum Group: Simulation

Participants : Vincent Chevrier, Julien Siebert.

The Simulation Technical Forum meets for the first time this year. It aims at working on the main challenges of agent and multi-agent-based simulation while establishing links between members of the simulation community which could lead to share common research activities and projects.

The promoters of this forum solicited MAIA members to present their point of view on current issues in multiagent simulation.

European project INTERREG IVB “InTraDE” (2009-12)

Participants : François Charpillet, Alexis Scheuer, Olivier Simonin, Olivier Buffet.

The InTraDE project (Intelligent Transportation for Dynamic Environments, http://www.intrade-nwe.eu/ ) is funded by the European North West Region. The project is coordinated by Rochdi Merzouki from University of Science and Technology of Lille (LAGIS lab.). Other partners are the Maia team, Liverpool John Moores University (LOOM), the National Institute for Transport and Logistics in Dublin Institute of Technology, the South East England Development Agency, the AGHO Port of Oostende and the CRITT in Le Havre. In the context of seaports and maritime terminals, the InTraDE project aims to improve the traffic management and space optimization inside confined spaces by developing a clean and safe intelligent transportation system. This transportation system will operate in parallel with virtual simulation software of the automated site, allowing a robust and real-time supervision of the goods handling operation.

The Maia team partner focuses on decentralized approaches to deal with the control of automated vehicle platooning and the adaptation of the traffic. Maia is funded with two PhD fellowships and one engineer. Both PhD thesis started in the end of 2010. The PhD of Jano Yazbeck, supervised by F. Charpillet and A. Scheuer, aims at studying a “Secure and robust immaterial hanging for automated vehicles”. The PhD of Mohamed Tlig, supervised by O. Simonin and O. Buffet, addresses “Reactive coordination for traffic adaptation in large situated multi-agent systems”.

Major European Organizations with which you have followed Collaborations

  • University of Basel, Departement Informatik (Switzerland)

  • New lower-bound heuristics for deterministic planning

  • Partner 2: organisme 2, labo 2 (pays 2)

  • Sujet 2 (max. 2 lignes)