Section: Dissemination
Animation of the scientific community
Brigitte Plateau is the director of Grenoble-INP ENSIMAG.
Yves Denneulin has been appointed deputy director of the LIG.
Corinne Touati is the Grenoble INP correspondent for international relations with Japan.
Yves Denneulin and Jean-Marc Vincent are co-directors of the LICIA (Franco-Brazilian Laboratory).
Jean-François Méhaut has been appointed as expert for the action HPC PME (Genci, Inria, Oseo) as well as for the ANR “COSINUS” program and the “Blanc” program.
Jean-François Méhaut was a member of two selection committees in Joseph Fourier University and Grenoble INP.
Arnaud Legrand was a member of the selection committee in University of Bordeaux 1 (LABRI).
Bruno Gaujal was a member of the selection committee in ENS de Lyon.
Jean-François Méhaut is a member of the HDR commission of Joseph Fourier University.
Invited Talks
The 2011 International Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Game Theory and Applications (MAGTA 2011) (Panayotis Mertikopoulos)
Network Games, Control and Optimization Conference, Paris (NetgCoop 2011) (Bruno Gaujal).
Twenty years of LaBRI (Bordeaux). Jean-François Méhaut gave an invited talk entitled “twenty years of multithreading”.
Journal, Conference and Workshop Organization
Chair and organizer of the JLPC (Joint Laboratory on Petascale Computing) workshop (J-F. Méhaut)
Co-chair of the Workshop on Algorithmic Game Theory: Dynamics and Convergence in Distributed Systems (AlgoGT 2011) (C. Touati). Local organization committee led by Annie Simon.
Co-chair of the 1st International Workshop on Optimization for Green Wireless Communication Networks (GreenNet 2011) (C. Touati)
Web chair of the International Conference on NETwork Games, COntrol and OPtimization (NetGCoop 2011) (C. Touati)
Local chair for Europar 2011 (Prediction and Performance Evaluation Topic) (D. Kondo).
Co-general chair of PCGrid 2011 (D. Kondo).
Program Committees
D. Kondo was a program committee member of CCGrid 2011, ServP2P 2011, and BADS 2011.
7th International ICQT Workshop on Advanced Internet Charging and QoS Technology (ICQT'11) (C. Touati)
Valuetools 2011 (B. Gaujal and J.-M. Vincent).
A. Legrand was program committee member of CCgrid 2011 and IPDPS 2011 and 2012.
Thesis Defense
Pierre Coucheney Optimisation des réseaux sans fil: une approche par la théorie des jeux (August 31)
Ahmed Harbaoui Vers une modélisation et un dimensionnement automatique des applications réparties (October 21)
Carlos Prada Rojas Une approche à base de composants logiciels pour l'observation de systèmes embarqués (June 24)
Kelly Rosa Braghetto Modeling Techniques for Business Process Performance Analysis (September 21)
Pedro Velho Accurate and Fast Simulations of Large-Scale Distributed Computing Systems (July 4)
Christiane Vilaca Pousa Ribeiro Contributions on Memory Affinity Management for Hierarchical Shared Memory Multi-core Platforms (June 29)
Blaise Yenke Ordonnancement des sauvegardes/reprises d'applications de calcul haute performance dans les environnements dynamiques (January 7)
Thesis Committees
Researchers of the MESCAL project-team have served on the following "habilitation" thesis (HDR) committees
Brigitte Plateau served on the HDR thesis committee of J.-M. Menaud (Ecole des Mines de Nantes) and Agnès Front (LIG).
And researchers of the MESCAL project-team have served on the following PhD thesis committees
Brigitte Plateau served on the thesis committee of Eric Simon (LIG) and presided the jury of Ahmed Harbaoui (Orange Labs).
Bruno Gaujal served on the thesis committee of Euriell Le Corronc (Angers) as a reviewer.
Jean-Françoids Méhaut presided the jury of the PhD defense of Benjamin Negrevergne (Grenoble). He was a member of the thesis committee of Cristian Rosa (Nancy) Cédric Augonnet (Bordeaux), Bogdan Cornea (Montbelliard), Khawar Sajjad (Versailles) and Paulin Melatagia (Yaoundé, Cameroon).
Jean-Marc Vincent was a member of the thesis committee of Bogdan Cornea (Besançon) and Xavier Grehant (Paris).
Yves Denneulin served on the thesis committee of Guilherme Piêgas Koslovski (Lyon), Nicolas Ferry (Nice) and Hiep-Thuan Do (Orléans) as a reviewer and presided the jury of the thesis of Willy Malveau (Grenoble) and the jury of the HDR of Vivien Quema (Grenoble).
Popular Science
Several members of MESCAL were involved in “fete de la science” showing everyday practical use of game theory.
MESCAL team actively promotes science to young and non-scientific audience. This year, Corinne Touati participated to the "stage Maths C2+" and the bi-annual "semaine de l'ingénieur" to promote the use of mathematics to junior high and high school students in Rhône-Alpes.
Jean-Marc Vincent contributed to the national initiative for introducing computer science to high school professors in mathematics. This material was collected in a book [71] .