Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Visits of International Scientists
Madhavan Mukund of CMI Chennai, India, visited (within the ARCUS project ) from May 1 to Mai 2011.
K. Narayan Kumar of CMI Chennai, India, visited (within the ARCUS project ) from Mai 2 to June 5 and from Nov 7 to November 20.
From February 23 to 25, the team received the visit of Lucia Pomello, Luca Bernardinello (both professors of the University of Milan, Italy) and Carlo Ferigato researcher at JRC Ispra, Italy.
Visit to other laboratories
Stefan Schwoon visited the LABRI on February 16 to work with Jerome Leroux and to give a talk in the MVTSI seminar. From Nov 17 to 21, he visited Javier Esparza's group at TU München and gave a talk in the PUMA seminar.
Within the DISC project, Serge Haddad and Stefan Haar participated in the project meeting at CWI Amsterdam , March 14–16, and the summer school in Cagliari, June 6-10.
Stefan HAAR visited the DISCO team of Lucia Pomello and Luca Bernardinello at University of Milan from June 8 to June 10.
In October 2011, Benedikt Bollig joined Dietrich Kuske's group at the Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany, for two weeks.
Serge Haddad gave talks at the DISC summer school in Cagliari (June 6-10) and an invited talk at the summer school of the University of Western Britanny (August 29 to September 1).
Participation In International Programs
Most members of the team have participated in the sub-project 4, Formal approaches for computer systems, of the Île de France/INDE project of the ARCUS Program (Region Île de France and French Ministry of foreign affairs), initially funded for 3 years (2008–2010) and extended until September 2011.
To pursue the very active and fruitful collaboration with our Indian partners, we have proposed the creation of an INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATED LABORATORY (LIA). The LIA is called INFORMEL which stands for INdo-French FORmal MEthods Lab. The scientific coordinators are Paul Gastin (LSV, ENS Cachan) and Madhavan Mukund (CMI, Chennai). The french partners are mainly from LSV (ENS Cachan) and LaBRI (Bordeaux). The indian partners are from the Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI), the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc) and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) of Bangalore. The LIA proposal has been positively evaluated by the CoNRS and should be created on January 1st 2012.