Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

The project-team is involved in several ANR projects:

  • the ANR MANIF has been accepted in June 2011. It focuses on the mathematical and numerical analysis of electronic structure models, such as, in particular, the Kohn-Sham model. It includes two research teams: researchers from the JL Lions Laboratory (Paris 6) and the Micmac team. It is coordinated by Eric Cancès.

  • F. Legoll, T. Lelièvre and G. Stoltz participate to the ANR MEGAS. Its aims are to study several methods for numerical simulation, with an emphasis on sampling methods. It includes four research teams: the INRIA project IPSO in Rennes, the INRIA project SIMPAF in Lille, the eDAM team in Nancy (chemistry), and our team. The scientist in charge is Tony Lelièvre.

  • T. Lelièvre and G. Stoltz participate to the ANR Big MC, which is focused on the study of Monte-Carlo methods for high-dimensional problems, with typical applications in financial mathematics, Bayesian statistics, and computational statistical physics. Three nodes participate to this project: one research team at the Institut TELECOM, another one at CEREMADE, University Paris Dauphine, and the third one at University Paris Est (including two members of our team). The coordinator is Gersende Fort (TELECOM).

  • C. Le Bris participates to the ANR EMAQS. The scientist in charge is Karine Beauchard (CMLS, Ecole polytechnique).

  • F. Nier is a member of the ANR projects QUATRAIN (2007-2011), VOLQUAN (2007-2011), and NONAa (2008-2011).

  • I. Dabo participates to the ANR CriMin (Crystal-chemistry of iron-bearing minerals and implications in the geochemical cycling of metal pollutants). This ANR is coordinated by M. Blanchard, Institut de Minéralogie de Physique des Milieux Condensés, Université Paris 6.

In addition, the team is participating in

the GdR Quantum dynamics. This interdisciplinary research network is focused on physical and mathematical problems related to the time evolution of quantum systems (transport problems, nonequilibrium systems, etc),

the GdR CoDFT,

the GdR Maths et entreprise,

the GdR correl (correlated methods in electronic structure computations).