Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

E. Cancès

  • is co-Editor in chief (with P. Del Moral and J.-F. Gerbeau) (2005-) of ESAIM Proc,

  • is a member of the editorial boards of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (2006-), of SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing (2008-), and of Communications in Mathematical Sciences (2011-),

  • is a member of the executive committee of the CEA-EDF-INRIA schools in applied mathematics and computer science,

  • is a member of the scientific committee of the GDR co-DFT.

E. Cancès has organized or co-organized

  • a BIRS workshop on Density Functional Theory: fundamentals and applications in condensed matter physics, Banff, Canada, January 2011,

  • a thematic minisymposium on electronic structure calculation at ICIAM 2011, Vancouver, Canada, July 2011,

  • a minisymposium on mathematics in materials science, Beijing, China, September 2011.

Eric Cancès and G. Stoltz have co-organized the workshop “Interactions between PDEs and probability theory”, held in Grenoble, France, 23-25 november 2011, in the framework of the GdR CHANT.

C. Le Bris is co-Editor-in-chief (with A.T. Patera, MIT) (2005-) of Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis. He is editor-in-chief of Applied Mathematics Research Express (2003-). He is a member of the editorial boards of Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis (2004-), COCV (Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations) (2003-), Mathematics in Action (2008-), Networks and Heterogeneous Media (2005-), Nonlinearity (2005-), Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (2009-). He is a member of the editorial board of the monograph series Mathématiques & Applications, Series, Springer (2008-), and Modeling, Simulations and Applications, Series, Springer (2009-).

C. Le Bris has been a member of the Scientific Program Committee of ICIAM 2011, Vancouver, Canada.

C. Le Bris is a member of

  • the scientific board of ENPC, 2008- (nominated as representative of the research scholars),

  • the “Comité d'experts” for the “Fondation de Recherche pour l'Aéronautique et l'Espace”,

  • the “Comité d'animation du domaine thématique Mathématiques appliquées, calcul et simulation” at INRIA,

  • the “International Scientific Advisory Committee” of the Centre de Recherche Mathématique, Université de Montréal,

  • the “Advisory Board” of the DFG Cluster of Excellence Engineering of Advanced Materials, Erlangen,

  • the “International Scientific Advisory Board” of the DFG research center Matheon, Berlin,

  • Conseil de perfectionnement du Master de Mathématiques de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie.

C. Le Bris has co-organized, with M.P. Calvo (University of Valladolid, Spain) the minisymposium “Numerical integrators of Hamiltonian systems and related problems”, Centennial congress of the Spanish Royal Mathematical Society, February 1-5, 2011, Avila.

Tony Lelièvre co-organized a minisymposium on "Numerical Methods for Molecular Dynamics" at the ENUMATH 2011 conference (Septembre 2011), and a workshop on "Metastability and stochastic processes" at Ecole des Ponts (September 2011).

F. Nier is a member of the scientific committee of

  • the workshop “Spectral Analysis of Non-Selfadjoint operators”, ANR NONAa, CIRM, December 2011,

  • the workshop “Mathematics for semiconductor heterostructure 2012” WIAS-Berlin, September 2012,

  • the CNRS-GDR “Dynamique Quantique” led by S. de Bièvre.

S. Olla is a member of the editorial boards of Annals of Probability and of Probability theory and related fields. He has organized with Carlangelo Liverani a workshop on “Fourier's Law” at the Field Institute, Toronto in April 2011.

Gabriel Stoltz co-organized a mini-symposium on “Numerical methods in molecular simulation” at the SMAI 2011 meeting, in Guidel, France (may 2011).