Section: Software


Participant : Serge Iovleff.

The AAM program is a R library implementing Auto-Associative models. Thus it could with few work transformed into a R package. As the AAM is a statistical model, the R language was well-suited for a diffusion inside the scientific community. It is a prototype for testing the AAM models against other kind of non-linear PCA models.

The first release was a scilab program written by Serge Iovleff and Stéphane Girard. It was rewriten in January 2009 and the code is now faster and produces enhanced graphics. The 2009 release is the result of a conjoint work of Serge Iovleff and a M1 internship of the ENS.

More information on the web site http://www.iut-info.univ-lille1.fr/~iovleff/softwares/