Section: Software
Participants : Jérôme Harmand, Alain Rapaport.
VITELBIO (VIrtual TELluric BIOreactors) is a simulation tool for studying networks of interconnected chemostats with the objective of mimicking microbial activities in soil. The software, developed with the help of ITK Company, is accessible on a server from any web navigator and make use of Flex for the user interface and Octave for the numerical integration. An important effort has been made for obtaining a pleasant and easy interface that is appealing for microbiologists: the network can be drawn graphically on the screen and simulation results can be easily compared between (virtual) experiments, superposing trajectories curves.
This software is used by several researchers, from LBE (INRA Narbonne), UMR Eco & Sols (Montpellier), UREP (INRA Theix), Biomeco (Paris-Grignon), UMR EGC (Paris-Grignon).... and also as a teaching support. See the web page