Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry
Participants : Fabien Campillo, Ihab Haidar.
The ANR SYSCOMM Project MODECOL (2009-2011) involves three INRIA project-teams (MODEMIC, MAESTRO and TOSCA) with the UMR Ecobio (Rennes, France), the University of La Rochelle and the Universities of Houston and Berkeley. The aim of the MODEMIC component is to propose individual-based models for terrestrial prairial plant communities' dynamics in the context of water purifying from nitrate and pesticides. This year the INRIA team proposed a new model [26] , its analysis and the development of a simulation software. The project-team was also involved in the organization of a session at the 54th Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS) in Lyon (20-24 June 2011). This work has been presented in three international conferences [36] [35] [26] .