Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

NANO-D is currently receiving funding from four ANR programs:

  • ANR JCJC: 340,000 Euros over three years (2011-2014). This grant has been provided to S. Redon by the French Research Agency for being a finalist in the ERC Starting Grant 2009 call, and is for two PhD students and an engineer.

  • ANR MN: 180,000 Euros over four years (2011-2015). This project, coordinated by NANO-D (S. Grudinin), gathers biologists and computer scientists from three research groups: Dave Ritchie at LORIA, Valentin Gordeliy at IBS (total grant: 360,000 Euros).

  • ANR COSINUS: 85,000 Euros over four years (2009-2012). This project, coordinated by NANO-D (S. Redon), gathers physicists, biologists and computer scientists from five research groups: Xavier Bouju and Christian Joachim at CEMES, Martin J. Field at IBS, Serge Crouzy at CEA/LCBM, Thierry Deutsch and Frederic Lançon at CEA/SP2M (total grant: 380,000 Euros).

  • ANR PIRIBio: 25,000 Euros over four years (2010-2013). We are participating in this project coordinated by Michel Vivaudou at IBS, with Serge Crouzy at CEA/LCBM and Frank Fieschi at IBS.