Section: Scientific Foundations
Verification, static analysis, and model-checking
Even with the help of high-level libraries, distributed systems are more difficult to program than classical applications. The complexity of interactions and synchronisations between remote parts of a system increases the difficulty of analysing their behaviours. Consequently, safety, security, or liveness properties are particularly difficult to ensure for these applications. Formal verification of software systems has been active for a long time, but its impact on the development methodology and tools has been slower than in the domain of hardware and circuits. This is true both at a theoretical and at a practical level, from the definition of adequate models representing programs, the mastering of state complexity through abstraction techniques or through new algorithmic approaches, to the design of software tools that hide to the final user the complexity of the underlying theory.
We concentrate on the area of distributed component systems, where we get better descriptions of the structure of the system, making the analysis more tractable, but we also find out new interesting problems. For instance, we contributed to a better analysis of the interplay between the functional definition of a component and its possible runtime transformations, expressed by the various management controllers of the component system.
Our approach is bi-directional: from models to program, or back. We use techniques of static analysis and abstract interpretation to extract models from the code of distributed applications, or from dedicated specification formalisms [3] . On the other hand, we generate “safe by construction” code skeletons, from high level specifications; this guarantees the behavioural properties of the components. We then use generic tools from the verification community to check properties of these models. We concentrate on behavioural properties, expressed in terms of temporal logics (safety, liveness), of adequacy of an implementation to its specification and of correct composition of software components.