Section: New Results
Component-oriented Distributed and Large-Scale Programming
Behavioural models for Distributed Components
Participants : E. Madelaine, R. Halalai, A. Savu, M. Alexe, L. Henrio.
In the past, we defined the behavioural semantics of active objects and components, in [3] ; we extended last year this work to take group communications. On the practical side, this work contributes to the Vercors platform; the overall picture being to provide tools to the programmer for defining his application, including its behavioural specification. Then some generic properties like absence of deadlocks, but also application specific properties can be validated on the composed model using an existing model-checker. We mainly use CADP model-checker, that also supports distributed generation of state-space. This year our main achievements are the following:
We provided model for one-to-many component communication
We provided a model for Byzantine failures, specified a component application supporting some Byzantine faults, and proved its correctness;
We conducted heavy experiments on distributed model-checking in this context;
We worked on the formal specification of the behavioural model generation for component systems.
Most of those results were published in [22] and [35] .
Enacting large-scale service orchestration using a component-based approach
Participants : F. Baude, V. Legrand.
The distribution of business processes encompasses the inclusion of external service providers in the overall process as well as the usage of external infrastructures like clouds. Both of these approaches lead to decentralization and outsourcing of a part of the global workflow, resulting in a complexified management of the global orchestration. As a matter of fact, the overall data are decentralized among different domains and must, most of the time, be gathered manually. To this extent, we continue our work on agile and distributed orchestration, showing that the framework we develop eases multidomain orchestration management. Our approach extracts, gathers and digests data from the decentralized processes in order to provide an unified and global view of a distributed orchestration. This year we focussed in particular on :
The specification of the execution framework extending the SCA specification by adding temporal dependencies
The definition of a use-case allowing the provisioning of a large set of OSGi gateways.
This work resulted in the PhD thesis of Virginie Legrand [12] .
Autonomic Monitoring and Management of Components
Participants : F. Baude, C. Ruz, B. Sauvan, R. Dib.
We have completed the design of a framework for autonomic monitoring and management of component-based applications. We have provided an implementation using GCM/ProActive taking advantage of the possibility of adding components in the membrane, and we have tested it in simple applications. Our implementation allows the designer to describe in a separate way each phase of the MAPE autonomic control loop (Monitoring, Analysis, Planning, and Execution), and to plug them or unplug them dynamically [16] .
We presented the general description of the framework and its capability to support autonomic behaviour in [30] . This work takes advantage of the componentized membrane of GCM/ProActive, and of the PAGCMScript reconfiguration extensions made in our team.
We used our proposition to design an integrated framework to cover the life-cycle of a service application from business and design level, to deployment and execution concerns in a Cloud environment, in a work done in conjunction with Adrian Mos and Alain Boulze formerly leading the INRIA ADT Galaxy from INRIA Rhône-Alpes. This work was presented in the SoEA4EE workshop [29] .
We experimented with the use of our autonomic framework to integrate autonomic behaviour into skeletons. This work was taken during the engineering internship of Rima Dib, and included the collaboration with Marco Danelutto from Università di Pisa.