Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry
Contracts with Industry
Program: Oseo Isis
Project acronym: Spinnaker
Project title: Spinnaker
Duration: jun 2011 - may 2014
Coordinator: Tagsys
Other partners: Inside Secure; ActiveEon; Legrand; STIC; Sonim; INRIA; LCIS Valence; ENSMSE; Université de Tours; IETR; LIP6; Université de Marne la Vallée; ESEO
Abstract: SPINNAKER brings together six companies and nine research laboratories highly specialized in Radio Frequency (RF) and related technology areas. The objectives of SPINNAKER are to break down the barriers of RFID technology and face the great challenge of democratizing industrial RFID and NFC systems for the benefit of our daily lives in the areas of Retail, Health, Electronic Toll, and GSM. These challenges are:
The miniaturization of technology: integration and miniaturization of RFID systems require new technologies and methodologies that are gathered in this project.
The inter-connectivity, or large-scale deployment: RFID, as the Internet, interacts with many communicating contexts (workplace, home, mobile phone, shopping centers, etc.). The new economy resulting new services based on RFID will require a comprehensive and complete infrastructure.