Section: Software


Participants : Kaustuv Chaudhuri [correspondant] , Nicolas Guenot, Lutz Straßburger.

Profound is an interactive proof-development tool based on the focused calculus of structures [19] . It allows the user to build proofs using direct manipulation of the current proof state using the cursor keys and the mouse, instead of learning a formal textual proof interaction language. The tool checks all user actions dynamically with the aid of a theorem prover.

We plan to investigate adaptations of a tool such as Profound for proof development in other interactive proof development systems such as Abella or Coq. We also plan to use the high degree of proof compression that is enabled by the calculus of structures to create efficient proof certificates for exchange between different proof development systems.

The first public release of Profound is expected in December 2011. The development can be followed on INRIA GForge.