Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

CPP: ANR on Confidence, Proofs, and Probabilities

Participants : Ivan Gazeau, Dale Miller.

The ANR Blanc titled “CPP: Confidence, Proofs, and Probabilities” has started 1 October 2009. This grant brings together the following institutions and individuals: LSV (Jean Goubault-Larrecq), CEA LIST (Eric Goubault, Olivier Bouissou, and Sylvie Putot), INRIA Saclay (Catuscia Palamidessi, Dale Miller, and Stephane Gaubert), Supelec L2S (Michel Kieffer and Eric Walter), and Supelec SSE (Gilles Fleury and Daniel Poulton). This project proposes to study the joint use of probabilistic and formal (deterministic) semantics and analysis methods, in a way to improve the applicability and precision of static analysis methods on numerical programs. The specific long-term focus is on control programs, e.g., PID (proportional-integral-derivative) controllers or possibly more sophisticated controllers, which are heavy users of floating-point arithmetic and present challenges of their own. To this end, we shall benefit from case studies and counsel from Hispano-Suiza and Dassault Aviation, who will participate in this project, but preferred to remain formally non-members, for administrative reasons.

Panda: ANR on Parallelism and Distribution Analysis

Participant : Dale Miller.

The ANR Blanc titled “Panda: Parallelism and Distribution Analysis” has started 1 October 2009. This project brings together researchers from INRIA Saclay (Comète and Parsifal), CEA LIST, MeASI as well labs in Paris (LIPN, PPS, LSV, LIP, LAMA), and on the Mediterranean (LIF, IML, Airbus). Scientifically, this proposal deals with the validation of concurrent and distributed programs, which is difficult because the number of its accessible states is too large to be enumerated, and even the number of control points, on which any abstract collecting semantics is based, explodes. This is due to the great number of distinct scheduling of actions in legal executions. This adds up to the important size of the codes, which, because they are less critical, are more often bigger. The objective of this project is to develop theories and tools for tackling this combinatorial explosion, in order to validate concurrent and distributed programs by static analysis, in an efficient manner. Our primary interest lies in multithreaded shared memory systems. But we want to consider a number of other paradigms of computations, encompassing most of the classical ones (message-passing for instance as in POSIX or VXWORKS) as well as more recent ones.

PSI: ANR on Proof Search in Interaction with Domain-specific methods

Participants : Stéphane Lengrand, Mahfuza Farooque.

The ANR Jeune Chercheuse / Jeune chercheur titled “PSI: Proof Search in Interaction with Domain-specific methods” has started 1 September 2009. This project investigates how proof-search can be performed in a framework where reasoning is subject to highly specific inference rules or axioms. This encompasses reasoning modulo a theory for which we may have a decision procedure (linear arithmetic, etc), or reasoning in a particular type theory (e.g. in a Pure Type system). The field of automated reasoning offers a variety of techniques (SAT-modulo-Theory, etc) which we like to see in terms of proof search. The project represent 192 000 euros of funding over four years, and is in collaboration with Assia Mahboubi at the TypiCal team.