Section: Software


Participant : Chadi Barakat [correspondant] .

TICP is a TCP-friendly reliable transport protocol to collect information from a large number of network entities. The protocol does not impose any constraint on the nature of the collected information: availability of network entities, statistics on hosts and routers, quality of reception in a multicast session, weather monitoring, etc. TICP ensures two main things: (i) the information to collect arrives entirely and correctly to the collector where it is stored and forwarded to upper layers, and (ii) the implosion at the collector and the congestion of the network are avoided by controlling the rate of sending probes. The congestion control part of TICP is designed with the main objective to be friendly with applications using TCP. Experimental results show that TICP can achieve better performance than using parallel TCP connections for the data collection. The code of TICP is available upon request, it is an open source software under the GPLv3 licence.

See also the web page http://planete.inria.fr/ticp/

  • Version: 1.0

  • Keywords: Information Collection, Congestion and Error Control

  • License: GPL (GPLv3)

  • Type of human computer interaction: XML file

  • OS/Middelware: Linux/Unix

  • Required library or software: C/C++ Sockets

  • Programming languages: C/C++

  • Documentation: Text