Section: Software

RFID Tag Searcher

Participants : Roudy Dagher [correspondant] , Nathalie Mitton, Loic Schmidt, David Simplot-Ryl.

The objective is to use the PDA to look for an item in a given neighborhood. The user would be notified of item proximity via the change of the beep frequency.

Tag Searcher is composed of three main modules:

  • The Reader interface is an abstraction of the required services for searching for a tag at a given RF power. The wrappers for CAEN and Intermec readers are straightforward.

  • The Ticker class represents a periodic thread that beeps periodically using the standard java call java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit.beep(). The ticker's period is synchronized inside the PeriodSemaphore class.

  • The Scanner class is able to scan for a tag ID and update the Ticker period according to the RF power at which the tag was observed : observation at a small RF power leads to a small tick period, and vice versa.

After testing on both PDAs (i.e. Psion, Intermec), a standalone application with an IHM was developed. It is able to retrieve a list (from a local file or an URL) so that the user choose the item to search for. See also the web page http://wiki.aspire.ow2.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main.Documentation.EmbeddedTools/TagSearcher .

  • Version: 1.0