Section: Dissemination
Licence (DUT): “Programmation Java” (L2), “Projet professionnel et Personnel” (L1), “Architecture” (L1), “Bases de données” (L2), A. Tafat (64h, “moniteur” position), Université Paris-Sud (IUT d'Orsay), France
Licence (DUT): “Systèmes d'exploitation” (L1), “Architecture des ordinateurs” (L1), M. Iguernelala (64h, “moniteur” position), Université Paris-Sud (IUT d'Orsay), France
Licence (DUT): “Systèmes d'exploitation” (L1 and L2), “Réseaux” (L2), A. Paskevich (156h), Université Paris-Sud (IUT d'Orsay), France
Licence : “Mathématiques pour l'Informatique” (L2), C. Paulin (50h), D. Baelde (20h), Université Paris-Sud, France
Licence professionnelle: “Programmation concurrente” (L3), A. Paskevich (36h), Université Paris-Sud (IUT d'Orsay), France
Licence: “Langages de programmation et compilation” (L3), J.-C. Filliâtre (24h), École Normale Supérieure, France
Licence: “INF421” (L3) et “INF431” (L3), J.-C. Filliâtre (70h), École Polytechnique, France
Licence: “Programmation fonctionnelle” (L3), S. Conchon (50h), Université Paris-Sud, France
Licence: “Programmation fonctionnelle” (L3), “Projet de programmation” (L3), F. Bobot (64h, “moniteur” position), Université Paris-Sud, France
Master: “Compilation” (M1), C. Paulin (50h), D. Baelde (28h), Université Paris-Sud, France
Master: “Projet de compilation” (M1), R. .Bardou (64h, “moniteur” position), Université Paris-Sud, France
Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique (MPRI) : “Proof assistants” (M2), G. Melquiond (9h), C. Paulin (6h), Université Paris 7, France
Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique (MPRI) : “Automated deduction” (M2), É. Contejean (12h), X. Urbain (12h), Université Paris 7, France
Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique (MPRI) : “Foundations of proof system” (M2), S. Boldo (2h), Université Paris 7, France
8th LASER Summer School on Software Engineering : “Tools for Practical Software Verification”, C. Paulin (4h)
Supervision of internships
S. Boldo and G. Melquiond supervised the internship of C. Lelay about differentiability in Coq [44] (Master Logique Mathématique et Fondements de l'Informatique, Univ. Paris Diderot).
PhD & HdR:
HDR: J.-C. Filliâtre, Deductive Program Verification [13] , Université Paris-Sud, Dec. 2nd 2011
PhD: S. Lescuyer, Formalizing and Implementing a Reflexive Tactic for Automated Deduction in Coq [14] , Université Paris-Sud, Jan. 4th 2011, S. Conchon and É. Contejean
PhD: R. Bardou, Verification of Pointer Programs Using Regions and Permissions [11] , Université Paris-Sud, Oct. 14th 2011, C. Marché
PhD: F. Bobot, Logique de séparation et vérification déductive [12] , Université Paris-Sud, Dec. 12 2011, J.-C. Filliâtre
PhD in progress: T. Nguyen, Formal Proof of Numerical Programs with respect to Architecture and Compiler, since February 2009, S. Boldo, C. Marché
PhD in progress: M. Iguernelala, Forward and Backward Strategies in SMT solvers, since September 2009, S. Conchon, É. Contejean
PhD in progress: A. Tafat, Modular Verification of Pointer Programs, since September 2009, C. Marché
PhD in progress: P. Herms, Certification of a Tool Chain for Verification of C programs, since October 2009, C. Marché, B. Monate (CEA List)
PhD in progress: C. Dross, Theories and Techniques for Automated Proof of programs, since January 2011, S. Conchon, C. Marché, A. Paskevich, and industrial supervisors Y. Moy and J. Kanig from AdaCore company.
PhD in progress: Alain Mebsout, SMT-based Model-Checking, since September 2011, F. Zaidi, S. Conchon
PhD in progress: C. Lelay, Real numbers for the Coq proof assistant, since October 2011, S. Boldo, G. Melquiond.
PhD in progress: A. J. Compaore, Rewriting Techniques for (Space and Time) Simulation of Biological Processes, since November 2007, defence in Feb. 2012, X. Urbain and P. Le Gall (ECP & Université Évry).
PhD in progress: Z. Bouzid, Models and Algorithms for Emerging Systems, since October 2009, X. Urbain and S. Tixeuil, M. Gradinariu Potop-Butucaru (Université Paris 6).
PhD stopped: W. Urribarrí, Towards certified libraries, from Nov. 2006 to Sep. 2011. W. Urribarrí is now an engineer “development of secure software” at ClearSy.