Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry
Systematic: Hi-Lite
Participants : Claude Marché [contact] , Jean-Christophe Filliâtre, Sylvain Conchon, Evelyne Contejean, Andrei Paskevich, Alain Mebsout, Mohamed Iguernelala, Denis Cousineau.
The Hi-Lite project ( ) is a project in the SYSTEMATIC Paris Region French cluster in complex systems design and management .
Hi-Lite is a project aiming at popularizing formal methods for the development of high-integrity software. It targets ease of adoption through a loose integration of formal proofs with testing and static analysis, that allows combining techniques around a common expression of specifications. Its technical focus is on modularity, that allows a divide-and-conquer approach to large software systems, as well as an early adoption by all programmers in the software life cycle.
Our involvements in that project include the use of the Alt-Ergo prover as back-end to already existing tools for SPARK/ADA, and the design of a verification chain for an extended SPARK/ADA language to verification conditions, via the Why VC generator.
This project is funded by the french ministry of industry (FUI), the Île-de-France region and the Essonne general council for 36 months from September 2010.