Project Team Pulsar

Overall Objectives
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Project Team Pulsar

Overall Objectives
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

National Projects

  • Program: DGCIS-FUI

  • Project acronym: CIU-Santé

  • Project title: Centre Innovation et Usage pour la Santé

  • Duration: November 2008- May 2012

  • Coordinator: Pôle de compétitivité SCS

  • Partners: CSTB, Sophia Antipolis (FR); Nice City Hospital, Nice (FR); Actis Ingenierie (FR), Movea (FR), CEA (FR); UNSA (FR).

  • See also: http://www.ciusante.org/

  • Abstract: CIU-Santé (Centre d'Innovation et d'Usages en Santé) is a DGCIS project to develop experiments in the domain of health. Two experimental rooms have been equipped in Nice-Cimiez Hospital for monitoring Alzheimer patients.

  • Program: ANR Sécurité

  • Project acronym: VIDEO-ID

  • Project title: VideoSurveillance and Biometrics

  • Duration: February 2008-February 2012

  • Coordinator: Thales Security Systems and Solutions S.A.S

  • Other partners: INRIA; EURECOM; TELECOM and Management Sud Paris; CREDOF ; RATP

  • See also: http://www-sop.inria.fr/pulsar/projects/videoid/

  • Abstract: Using video surveillance, the VIDEO-ID project aims at achieving real time human activity detection including the prediction of suspect or abnormal activities. This project also aims at performing identification using face and iris recognition. Thanks to such identification, a detected person will be tracked throughout a network of distant cameras, allowing to draw a person's route and his destination. Without being systematic, a logic set of identification procedures is established: event and abnormal behaviour situation and people face recognition.

  • Program: ANRTecsan

  • Project acronym: SWEET-HOME

  • Project title: Monitoring Alzheimer Patients at Nice Hospital

  • Duration: November 2009-November 2012

  • Coordinator: CHU Nice Hospiteal (FR)

  • Other partners: INRIA (FR); LCS (FR); CNRS unit - UMI 2954, MICA Center in Hanoi (VN); SMILE Lab , National Cheng Kung University (TW); National Cheng Kung University Hospital (TW).

  • Abstract: SWEET-HOME project aims at building an innovative framework for modeling activities of daily living (ADLs) at home. These activities can help assessing elderly disease (e.g. Alzheimer, depression, apathy) evolution or detecting pre-cursors such as unbalanced walking, speed, walked distance, psychomotor slowness, frequent sighing and frowning, social withdrawal with a result of increasing indoor hours.

  • Program: FUI

  • Project acronym: QUASPER

  • Project title: QUAlification et certification des Systèmes de PERception

  • Duration: June 2010 - May 2012

  • Coordinator: THALES There SIS

  • Other partners: AFNOR; AKKA; DURAN; INRETS; Sagem Securité; ST Microelectronics; Thales RT; Valeo Vision SAS; CEA; CITILOG; Institut d'Optique; CIVITEC; SOPEMEA; ERTE; HGH.

  • See also: http://www.systematic-paris-region.org/fr/projets/quasper-rd

  • Abstract: QUASPER project gathers 3 objectives to serve companies and laboratories: (1) to encourage R&D and the design of new perception systems; (2) to develop and support the definition of European standards to evaluate the functional results of perception systems; (3) to support the qualification and certification of sensors, software and integrated perception systems. Target domains are Security, Transportation and Automotive.

  • Program: FR-FC (Fédération nationale de Recherche Fusion par Confinement Magnétique - ITER)

  • Project acronym: moniTORE

  • Project title: Real Time Monitoring of Imaging Diagnostic Applied to Tore Plasma Operation.

  • Duration: 1 year

  • Coordinator: Imaging and Diagnostics Group of the CEA Cadarache

  • Other partners: INRIA Pulsar team

  • Abstract: moniTORE is an Exploratory Action called MONITORE for the real-time monitoring of imaging diagnostics to detect thermal events in a tore plasma. This work is a preparation for the design of the future ITER nuclear reactor.

Le projet monitore est une action soutenue et financee par la (FR-FCM Fédération nationale de Recherche Fusion par Confinement Magnétique - ITER) dont Pulsar est un laboratoire membre. pour la description : monitore = real time monitoring of imaging diagnostic applied to tore plasma operation.

Large Scale INRIA Initiative

  • Program: INRIA

  • Project acronym: PAL

  • Project title: Personally Assisted Living

  • Duration: 2010 -2014

  • Coordinator: COPRIN team


  • See also: http://www-sop.inria.fr/coprin/aen/

  • Abstract: The objective of this project is to create a research infrastructure that will enable experiments with technologies for improving the quality of life for persons who have suffered a loss of autonomy through age, illness or accident. In particular, the project seeks to enable development of technologies that can provide services for elderly and fragile persons, as well as their immediate family, caregivers and social groups.