Project Team Pulsar

Overall Objectives
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Project Team Pulsar

Overall Objectives
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Application Domains

Medical Applications

In the medical domain, Pulsar is interested in the long-term monitoring of people at home, which aims at supporting the caregivers by providing information about the occurrence of worrying change in people behavior. We are especially involved in the Ger'home project, funded by the PACA region and Conseil Général des Alpes Marimes (CG06), in collaboration with two local partners: CSTB and Nice City hospital. In this project, an experimental home that integrates new information and communication technologies has been built in Sophia Antipolis. The purpose concerns the issue of monitoring and learning about people activities at home, using autonomous and non-intrusive sensors. The goal is to detect the sudden occurrence of worrying situations, such as any slow change in a person frailty. We have also started collaboration with Nice hospital to monitor Alzheimer patients with the help of geriatric doctors. The aim of the project is to design an experimental platform, providing services and allowing to test their efficiency.