Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

Organization of workshops

Invitations to conferences

  • Arnaud Pêcher was invited by the National Taiwan University, Taipei fopr the 2011 Workshop on Graph Theory. His presentation was entitled ”The circular chromatic number of circular-perfect graphs is polytime”.

  • Gautier Stauffer was invited to give a talk at the NII Shonan meeting on Graph Algorithm and Combinatorial Optimization (http://www.nii.ac.jp/shonan/seminar01/ ). His presentation was entitled “An algorithmic decomposition of claw-free graphs leading to an O(n3)-algorithm for the weighted stable set problem”.

  • Gautier Stauffer was invited speaker at theand at SODA 2011 (http://www.siam.org/meetings/da11/ ). His presentation was entitled “A Simple and Fast 2‐approximation for the One‐warehouse Multi‐retailers Problem”.

  • Gautier Stauffer was invited to give a plenary session at LAGOS 2011 (http://www-2.dc.uba.ar/lagos2011/ ). His presentation was entitled “A history of the stable set polytope of claw-free graphs”.

  • François Vanderbeck was invited speaker at the workshop in Mixed Integer Programming MIP2011, University of Waterloo, Canada, June 2011 (http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~mip2011/ ). His presentation was entitled “Column Generation for Extended Formulations: experimental report”.

  • François Vanderbeck was invited speaker at the workshop on Integer Programming Down & Under, NewCastle University, Australia, July 2011 (http://carma.newcastle.edu.au/nuor/ipdu/ ). His presentation was entitled “Column Generation for Extended Formulations: stabilization by column recombinations”.


Licence “DUT Informatique”, University of Bordeaux, France:

  • `Système Unix”, 36h, L2 (Arnaud Pêcher)

  • “Algorithmique”, 12h, L2 (Arnaud Pêcher)

  • “Programmation Objet”, 32h, L2 (Arnaud Pêcher)

  • “Java Avancé”, 16h, L2 (Arnaud Pêcher)

  • “Programmation Objet”, 68h, L1 (Arnaud Pêcher)

Licence of mathematics, University of Bordeaux, France:

  • “ modèles et méthodes d’optimisation”, 15 hetd, L2, (Cédric Joncour)

Master “Ingénierie Mathématique, Statistiques, et Economic”: “Optimisation dans les graphes”, University of Bordeaux, France.

  • “Modèles de Flot et Combinatoire”, 45 hetd, M1 (Gautier Stauffer )

  • “Optimisation dans les graphes”, 15h, M1, (Arnaud Pêcher)

  • “optimisation combinatoire”, 30 hetd, M1, ((Andrew Miller, Francois Vanderbeck)

  • “outils et logiciels d’optimisation”, 14 hetd, M1, (Andrew Miller)

  • “Programmation linéaire”, 60 hetd, M1, (Andrew Miller, Pierre Pesneau)

  • “Programmation entière”, 40 hetd, M2, (Francois Vanderbeck)

  • “Gestion des Opérations et planification de la production”, 30 hetd, M1, (Andrew Miller)

  • “Programmation Orientée Objet”, 30 hetd, M2, (Pierre Pesneau)

  • “Introduction à la Programmation par Contraintes”, 30 HETD, M2, (Ruslan Sadykov).

Other Masters:

  • Master “MIAGE”: “Services Web”, 27h, M2, University of Bordeaux, France (Arnaud Pêcher)

  • Enseirb, Computer Sciences: “Recherche Opérationnelle”, 30 hetd, 2eme année, Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux, France (Pierre Pesneau, Francois Vanderbeck)

  • CNAM Aquitaine, "Modélisation, optimisation, complexite et algorithmes" I et II, 25 hetd (niveau II) + 34 HETD (niveau I), M1, France (Ruslan Sadykov).

PhD & HdR :

  • HdR : Gautier Stauffer, “At Play With Combinatorial Optimization, Integer Programming and Polyhedra”, University of Bordeaux, November 28, 2011 [11] .

  • PhD in progress: Petru Valicov, "Algorithmes de graphes pour les problémes d’ordonnancement", September 2009, A. Pêcher, M. Montassier, E. Sopena

  • PhD in progress: Sagnik Sen, "Graphes et télécommunications", January 2011, E. Sopena, A. Pêcher, A. Raspaud.

  • PhD in progress: Nastaran Rahmani, "Planning and Routing via decomposition approaches", April 2011, R. Sadykov, F. Vanderbeck

  • PhD in progress: Nicolas Dupin, "Scheduling Maintenance of Nuclear Plants in Power Production Planning", Mai 2011, A. Miller, R. Sadykov, E. Talbi, F. Vanderbeck.

Administrative Responsabilities

Each member of the team is quite involved in teaching in the thematic specialties of the project, including in the research track of the Masters in applied mathematics or computer science and an Operations Research Track in the computer science department of the Engineering school ENSEIRB-MATMECA. Moreover, we are largely implied in the organization of the curriculum:

  • Arnaud Pêcher was the head of IUT Computer Science's special year, since 2010.

  • Andrew Miller was the head of Applied Mathematics Department, since 2010.

  • Francois Vanderbeck has succeeded to Andrew Miller as the head of the Master Speciality in Operations Research.