Section: New Results
Stochastic 2-microlocal analysis
Participants : Erick Herbin, Paul Balança.
Stochastic 2-microlocal analysis has been introduced in [19] to study the local regularity of stochastic processes. If is a stochastic process, then for all , a function called the 2-microlocal frontier is defined to characterize entirely the local regularity of at . In particular, for all such that , it is defined as
The 2-microlocal frontier gives a more complete picture of the regularity than classical pointwise and local Hölder exponents, which are widely used in the literature. Furthermore, it is stable under the action of (pseudo-)differential operators.
[19] mainly focused on Gaussian processes, and in particular obtained a characterization of the regularity for Wiener integrals , with .
Our main goal was therefore to extend this result to any stochastic integral
where is a local martingale and an adapted continuous process.
In fact, in [15] , we first reduced this problem to the study of local martingales, and we have shown that almost surely for all , the 2-microlocal frontier of a local martingale , with quadratic variation , satisfies
where for any process , denotes the pseudo 2-microlocal frontier which is characterized as following
where corresponds to
with the usual convention .
As the previous result is based on Dubins-Schwarz representation theorem, it can be easily extended to characterize the regularity of time-changed multifractional Brownian motions. In this case, we obtain a similar equation where is replaced by , the value of the Hurst function at .
Using this last equality, we can obtain the regularity of the stochastic integral previously defined: almost surely for all
In the particular case of an integration with respect to a Brownian motion , the result can be simplified using the stability under differential operators: for almost all and for all , the 2-microlocal frontier satisfies
Based on this last characterization, we were able to study the regularity of stochastic diffusions. In particular, we illustrated our purpose with the square of -dimensional Bessel processes which verify the following equation