Section: Dissemination
Animation of the scientific community
Maxime Amblard was part of the scientific committee of TALN 11 (Montpellier, France) and WoSS8 8th Workshop on Syntax & Semantics (Paris, France).
Maxime Amblard is head of the master Sciences Cognitives et Applications of University Nancy 2.
Maxime Amblard is head of the master 2 speciality Traitements Automatiques des Langues of the master SCA University Nancy 2.
Maxime Amblard has prepared the revised version for the master SCA from 2013-2018.
Maxime Amblard was president of the selection committee (recruitment of a permanent lecturer), for a PRCE and for a PRAG at University Nancy 2.
Maxime Amblard was curator of the exhibit Fascination ou aversion pour le numérique : encodage/décodage at University Nancy 2.
Maxime Amblard was member of the organization comity of the forum des Sciences Cognitives.
Maxime Amblard joined the editorial board of InterStice )i(.
Maxime Amblard is vice-treasurer of the Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (ATALA)
Maxime Amblard is member Opération Poste team.
Guy Perrier is member of the editorial board of the journal Traitement Automatique des Langues.
Guy Perrier attended the thesis defense of Mathieu Morey, Université Nancy 2, November 3, as the supervisor of the thesis.
Guy Perrier was the local coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Master program Language and Communication Technologies for the University of Nancy 2 until August. He organized the graduation ceremony for the whole consortium in Nancy May 26.
Bruno Guillaume is a member of the COMIPERS (Comité de recrutement INRIA Lorraine/LORIA des personnels scientifiques contractuels) of the Nancy INRIA Research Center.
Bruno Guillaume is a member of the CUMIR (Commission des Utilisateurs de Moyens Informatiques) of the Nancy INRIA Research Center.
Sylvain Pogodalla is local coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Master program Language and Communication Technologies for the University of Nancy 2 starting from September 1st.
Sylvain Pogodalla chaired the international conference Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics (LACL 2011) organized in Montpellier.
Sylvain Pogodalla is member of the editorial board of the journal T.A.L. (Traitement automatique des Langues.
Sylvain Pogodalla reviewed papers for Transaction on Computational Logic, for Research on Language and Computation and for Synthese.
Sylvain Pogodalla was part of the scientific committees of: TALN 2011 (Montpellier), Mathematics of Language (MOL 2011), Constraints in Discourse (CID 2011), International Conference in Computational Semantics (IWCS 2011).
Sylvain Pogodalla is head of the Commission des Développements Technologiques of the Nancy INRIA Research Center.
Sylvain Pogodalla participated in the jury of the thesis defense of Bruno Méry (Bordeaux University, SIGNES INRIA project team)