Section: Dissemination
V. Quéma is a full-time professor at Grenoble INP, since sept. 2011.
Noël de Palma is a full-time professor at Grenoble University.
Olivier Gruber is a full-time professor at Grenoble University.
Olivier Gruber is the head of the Parallel, Distributed, and Embedded Systems track in the international Master of Science in Informatics at Grenoble (MOSIG).
Renaud Lachaize is a full-time lecturer at Grenoble University.
Sara Bouchenak is a full-time lecturer at Grenoble University.
Fabienne Boyer is a full-time lecturer at Grenoble University.
Fabienne Boyer is the head of the M2PGI (Master Professionnel Génie Informatique) Alternance at Grenoble.
A. Schmitt is teaching a Bachelor level course on Computational Models at U. Joseph Fourier.
D. Pous and A. Schmitt are teaching the Proof Assistant: from Theory to Practice course at the MSTII Doctoral School (U. Grenoble).
D. Pous is teaching a Bachelor level course on Natural Deduction at U. Joseph Fourier.
HdR : Alan Schmitt, Static Analyses for Manipulations of Hierarchically Structured Data, may 2011.
PhD : Alessio Pace, "Gossiping in the wild – Tackling practical problems faced by gossip protocols when deployed on the Internet", Grenoble University, October 2011, V. Quéma, JB Stefani.
PhD : Willy Malvault, "Vers une architecture pair-à-pair pour l'informatique dans le nuage", Grenoble University, October 2011, V. Quéma, JB Stefani.
PhD in progress : Claudio Mezzina, "Reversibility in the higher-order -calculus", Feb. 2012, J. B. Stefani.
PhD in progress : Thomas Braibant, ”Kleen algebras and circuits in Coq”, Grenoble University, started in sept. 2008, D. Pous, J.B. Stefani.
PhD in progress : Quentin Sabah, "Isolated actors for multi-core programming", Grenoble University, exp. May 2013, J. B. Stefani..
PhD in progress : Sylvain Geneves, "Etude de modèles d'exécutions dans les architectures multi-coeurs", beg Sept. 2008, R. Lachaize, V. Quéma.
PhD in progress : Baptiste Lepers, "MemProf: a memory profiler for multicore systems", beg Jan. 2011, R. Lachaize, V. Quéma.
PhD in progress : Pierre-Louis Aublin, "Robust BFT protocols", beg Sept. 2010, S. Ben Mokhtar, V. Quéma.
PhD in progress : Gautier Berthou, "Accountable Anonymous Communication Protocols", started in Sept 2010, V. Quéma.
PhD in progress : Xin An (U. Grenoble), ”Discrete control and design space exploration for reconfigurable architectures”, started in sept. 2010, adv. E. Rutten and A. Gamatié (INRIA Lille).
PhD in progress : Sébastien Guillet (UBS, Lorient),”Control and decision for dynamically partially reconfigurable FPGA architectures”, started in dec. 2009, adv. F. de la Motte (Lorient) and E. Rutten.