Section: New Results
Error-correcting codes and applications
Participants : Mamdouh Abbara, Matthieu Finiasz, Vincent Herbert, Denise Maurice, Nicolas Sendrier, Jean-Pierre Tillich.
Decoding algorithms are extensively used for cryptanalyses. For instance, a classical cryptanalysis of the stream ciphers which rely on linear feedback shift register filtered by a Boolean function models the attacked cipher as the result of the transmission of a linear function through a very highly noisy channel. Then, removing the noise amounts to decoding a certain linear code. This code is highly structured, and one of the most efficient methods to decode it exploits the fact that it has low density parity-check equations, and thus can be decoded as a low-density parity-check code, with iterative algorithms. Furthermore, the problem of finding good approximations of ciphers amounts to a decoding problem of the first order Reed-Muller code. Local decoding is then used in this context, and enables various attacks, such as correlation attacks or linear cryptanalysis.
Besides the cryptographic applications of decoding algorithms, we also investigate two new application domains for decoding algorithms: reverse engineering of communication systems, and quantum error correcting codes for which we have shown that some of them can be decoded successfully with iterative decoding algorithms.
Algebraic error-correcting codes.
Finding lower bounds on the minimum distance of cyclic codes is an old and difficult problem. Cyclic codes with three zeroes correct at most three errors, that is have minimum distance at most 7. It is an interesting question to determine which cyclic codes with three zeroes have minimum distance 7. Vincent Herbert revisit this problem by using an algorithm due to Shaub. Some classification questions are addressed about three error correcting cyclic codes and some new results involving intensive computer search have been obtained [10] , [26] .
Quantum codes.
The knowledge we have acquired in iterative decoding techniques has also led to study whether or not the very same techniques could also be used to decode quantum codes. Part of the old ACI project “RQ” in which we were involved and the new ANR project “COCQ” are about this topic. It is worth noticing that protecting quantum information from external noise is an issue of paramount importance for building a quantum computer. It also worthwhile to notice that all quantum error-correcting code schemes proposed up to now suffer from the very same problem that the first (classical) error-correcting codes had: there are constructions of good quantum codes, but for the best of them it is not known how to decode them in polynomial time. Our approach for overcoming this problem has been to study whether or not the family of turbo-codes and LDPC codes (and the associated iterative decoding algorithms) have a quantum counterpart.
Recent results:
a construction of a family of quantum turbo-codes with excellent error reducing performance under iterative decoding and this even for very noisy channels [29] ;
a proof that this family has unbounded minimum distance [20] .
Reverse engineering of communication systems.
To evaluate the quality of a cryptographic algorithm, it is usually assumed that its specifications are public, as, in accordance with Kerckhoffs principle(Kerckhoffs stated that principle in a paper entitled La Cryptographie militaire, published in 1883.), it would be dangerous to rely, even partially, on the fact that the adversary does not know those specifications. However, this fundamental rule does not mean that the specifications are known to the attacker. In practice, before mounting a cryptanalysis, it is necessary to strip off the data. This reverse engineering process is often subtle, even when the data formatting is not concealed on purpose. A typical case is interception; some raw data, not necessarily encrypted, is observed out of a noisy channel. To access the information, the whole communication system has first to be disassembled and every constituent reconstructed. Our activity within this domain, whose first aim is to establish the scientific and technical foundations of a discipline which does not exist yet at an academic level, has been supported by some industrial contracts driven by the DGA.