Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Design and analysis of stream ciphers dedicated to constraint environments
Partners: LORIA (project-team CACAO/CARAMEL), INRIA (project-team SECRET), INSA Lyon (team Middleware/Security), University of Limoges (XLIM).
151 kEuros.
This project focuses on stream ciphers and especially on stream ciphers with an internal state governed by a non-linear transition function. We particularly draw our attention to ciphers whose characteristics make them especially fit constrained environments. The results of the project are practical as well as theoretical and concern both design and analysis of such stream ciphers.
Collaborative Analysis, Evaluation and Modelling of Health Information Technology
ANR program: ARPEGE (Systèmes Embarques et Grandes Infrastructures)
Partners: Sopinspace, INRIA (project-teams SECRET and SMIS), CNRS/CECOJI
55 kEuros.
DEMOTIS brings together computer scientists and legal scholars. The project experiments new methods for the multidisciplinary design of large information systems that have to take in account legal, social and technical constraints. Its main field of application is personal health information systems. Most notably, work is conducted in priority on the infrastructure for the French personal medical file system (DMP) and secondarily on the data infrastructure for the research and public health networks associated with specific diseases (AIDS, cancer). The aim is to understand how the intrication between the legal and technical domains affects the design of such data infrastructures.
Security and Analysis of Primitives of Hashing Innovatory and Recent 2
ANR program: VERSO (Reseaux du Futur et Services)
Partners: France Telecom, Gemalto, Cryptolog international, EADS SN, Sagem Securite, ENS/LIENS, UVSQ/PRISM, INRIA (project-team SECRET), ANSSI
153 kEuros
This industrial research project aims at participating to the NIST competition (cryptanalysis, implementations, optimizations, etc.), and in supporting the SHA-3 candidates proposed by its partners.
Codes correcteurs quantiques
ANR program: Domaines emergents
Partners: ENSEA, INRIA (project-team SECRET), Université de Bordeaux, Telecom ParisTech
117 kEuros
This project deals with the development of fundamental research on error correcting codes for quantum channels. In particular, we aim to suggest suitable generalizations to the quantum setting of the best known families of quantum codes (such as LDPC or turbo-codes) and to analyze their performance.
Conception et analyse de chiffrements par blocs efficaces pour les environnements contraints
ANR program: Ingénierie numérique et sécurité
Partners: INSA Lyon, INRIA (project-team SECRET), University of Limoges (XLIM), CryptoExperts
446 kEuros
The BLOC project aims at providing strong theoretical and practical results in the domain of cryptanalyses and design of block ciphers.
Keep your personal Information Safe and Secure
ANR program: Ingénierie numérique et sécurité
Partners: INRIA (project-teams SMIS and SECRET), LIRIS, Gemalto, UVSQ (Prism), Conseil Général des Yvelines
64 kEuros
The KISS project builds upon the emergence of new portable and secure devices known as Secure Portable Tokens (e.g., mass storage SIM cards, secure USB sticks, smart sensors) combining the security of smart cards and the storage capacity of NAND Flash chips. The idea promoted in KISS is to embed, in such devices, software components capable of acquiring, storing and managing securely personal data.
French Ministry of Defense ()
Funding for the supervision of Marion Bellard's PhD.
30 kEuros.