Section: Dissemination

Participation to conferences, seminars

  • Emmanuel Prados has been invited for a seminar at the "Deterministic Models and Algorithms Department" of Jean Kuntzmann Laboratory. Title of the talk: "Systemic modelling of the interactions between environment, economy and society at local scales: problems and bottlenecks.", Grenoble, France, April 19th, 2011. Organizer: Nicolas Papadakis.

  • Pierre-Yves Longaretti gave a talk on "Urban and periurban sustainability at regional scales at the 2020 and 2050 horizons" at the Colloque “PIRVE" (Programme de Recherche Interdisciplinaire Ville et Environnement), Nantes, May 5th-6th, 2011.

  • Peter Sturm gave a keynote speech on “A historical survey of geometric computer vision” at the 14th International Conference on Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP'11), Seville, Spain, September 2011.

  • Peter Sturm gave a keynote speech on “A historical survey of geometric computer vision” at the 11th Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision and Camera Networks (OMNIVIS'11), Barcelona, Spain, November 2011.

  • Pierre-Yves Longaretti gave an invited seminar at the Department of Regional and Urban Planning of the University of Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, US. Title of the talk: “Why we are on a global collapse path and what we can do about it". Urbana-Champaign, April 14th, 2011. Organizer: Brian Deal (head of the department).