Section: New Results
Building of Partnerships
This year, we have spent a considerable amount of time and energy to build various partnerships.
We have started a collaboration with Modelistica and Tómas de la Barra, the author of TRANUS Model. Tómas de la Barra came at INRIA for a week in June 2011. We have submitted a project to ECOS-Nord program (TRACER). Among others, we are closely working with him on TRANUS calibration.
Our collaboration with EDDEN is now fully set up. We are working with them on the design of a transport-land use-energy integrated model for the city of Grenoble using the data and analysis they are generating in the context of the AETIC project. This work is based on the TRANUS model implemented by IDDRI for Grenoble. In the same way, our collaboration with IDDRI has started to be effective. With IDDRI, we work on TRANUS calibration issues and practically on the Grenoble model they are implementing. IDDRI is the coordinator of TRACER project submitted to ECOS-Nord program.
In other respects, with AURG (Agence d'Urbanisme de la Région Grenobloise ) and EDDEN, we are one of the driving forces behind the MUTERA project. This project aims at gathering the main actors in urban planning and transport of the Rhône-Alpes region to work on the issues regarding land-use and transport models. This group includes technicians, politicians and researchers. The kick-off meeting should take place in the beginning of 2012.
We have also started a collaboration with the LECA laboratory (Laboratoire d'Ecologie Alpine, Grenoble ). In June 2011, we have submitted a project to FRB Flagship program with them (ESNET).
In parallel of that, we got in touch with a number a potential partners and colleagues ones of which are the LET laboratory (Laboratoire d'Economie des Transport, Lyon ), the department of urban and regional planning of the university of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (visit to Brian Deal), Veolia Environnement, SOGREAT etc. A number of them have been contacted in the framework of the development of an ANR project which should be submitted to 2012 "Modèles numériques" program or in the framework of CIFRE or industrial partnerships.