Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

  • Project acronym: MUTERA

  • Project title: Modèles Urbanisme-Transport-Environnement en Rhône-Alpes

  • Starting date: 2012

  • Coordinator: Emmanuel Raoult (AURG)

  • Other potential partners: IAU-IDF, LET, IDDRI, INRIA, EDDEN, AURG, SMTC, Urba Lyon, Sytral, La Métro, etc.

  • Abstract: The rich and diverse activity in modeling in Rhône-Alpes region, the need of more technical expertise of the various actors and the necessity for decision makers to be able to project into an uncertain future via innovative tools developed by the research are three elements that push the creation the MUTERA project. MUTERA aims then to gather the main actors in urban planning and transport of Rhône-Alpes region to work on the issues regarding land-use and transport models. This group includes technicians, politicians and researchers. MUTERA kick-off meeting is foresaw in the beginning of 2012.

  • Project acronym: SOCLE3

  • Project title: Sustainability, Local Collective Organisation, Energy, Economy and Environment

  • Coordinator: Pierre-Yves Longaretti (STEEP)

  • Other partners: LECA (UJF/CNRS), EDDEN (UPMF/CNRS), PACTE (UJF/CNRS), ERIC (Lyon 2/CNRS)

  • The SOCLE3 interdisciplinary group and project has two major aims:

    • Analyzing and modelling the environmental, economic and social interactions at the urban to regional (sub-national) level, and their coupled trajectories under given global and local macroeconomic trends, and climate change constraints.

    • Providing decision-makers with policy analysis and evaluation tools, and other researchers with methodological tools, based in particular (but not exclusively) on simulations under relevant global/local scenarios, to identify and characterize possible sustainability transition pathways at the local and regional scales.

    • http://socle3.obs.ujf-grenoble.fr/