Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National initiatives

ANR Attelage de systèmes hétérogènes

Participants : Guillaume Gravier, Bogdan Ludusan.

Duration: 3 years, started in November 2009.

Partners: IRISA, LIA, LIUM

The project ASH (Automatic System Harnessing) aims at developing new collaborative paradigms for speech recognition. Many current ASR systems rely on an a posteriori combination of the output of several systems (e.g., confusion network combination). In the ASH project, we investigate new approaches in which three ASR systems work in parallel, exchanging information at every step of the recognition process rather than limiting ourselves to an a posteriori combination. What information is to be shared and how to share such information and make use of it are the key questions that the project is addressing. The collaborative paradigm is being extended to landmark-based speech recognition where detection of landmarks and speech transcription can be considered as two (or more) collaborative processes.