Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

  • Anca Belme presented a talk on "A priori anisotropic goal-oriented estimates for mesh adaptation in compressible CFD" at the 16th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems (march).

  • Alain Dervieux gave a short course on "Sensitivity analysis by adjoint Automatic Differentiation and Application" at the ERCOFTAC Course on Uncertainty Management and Quantification in Munich, Germany (march), and again at the ERCOFTAC-NIA Course in Hampton, Virginia, USA (september).

  • Alexandre Carabias and Alain Dervieux presented their work on "Dissipation and dispersion control of a quadratic-reconstruction advection scheme" at Honom 2011 in Trento, Italy (april).

  • Alain Dervieux was in the PhD jury of Géraldine Olivier, Paris VI (april).

  • Alexandre Carabias has presented a poster on "Analyse et amélioration d'un schéma à reconstruction quadratique" at SMAI 2011, Lorient (may).

  • Anca Belme presented her work at University of Montpellier and at University of Pau.

  • Alain Dervieux presented a communication on "The effect of consistent coarse grid in Schwarz algorithms" at Parallel-CFD-2011, Barcelona, Spain (may).

  • Hubert Alcin presented a talk on "Introduction des grilles grossières dans la méthode de déflation et de balancing" in Montpellier at an ECINADS seminar, joint with the Barcelona Computing Center (may).

  • Anca Belme presented a talk on "Application of anisotropic goal-oriented unsteady mesh adaptation to Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics" at the ADMOS 2011 conference, Paris (june).

  • Alain Dervieux gave a short course on "Indicateurs de raffinement et adaptation de maillage en simulation numérique pour la Mécanique des Fluides" at Collège X, Paris (june).

  • Hubert Alcin presented a communication on "Volume-Agglomeration Coarse Grid In Schwarz Algorithm" to FVCA6, Prague, Czech (june).

  • The team has an agreement with EADS in Suresnes, France, to support their use of AD in inverse problems. Laurent Hascoët visited them twice in 2011.

  • Trond Steihaug presented his work on "A Class of Methods Combining L-BFGS and Truncated Newton" at the 26th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Royal Society, London, UK (september).

  • Frederic Alauzet presented joint work on "Anisotropic goal-oriented mesh adaptation for time dependent problems" at the 20th IMR Conference in Paris (october).

  • Laurent Hascoët was in the PhD jury of P. Pham Quang, INPG Grenoble (october).

  • Laurent Hascoët gave a short course on "Automatic Differentiation in Optimization" at the ERCOFTAC course on Design Optimization in Manching, Germany (november).

  • Alain Dervieux was referee in the PhD jury of Thibaud Marcel, University of Toulouse (november).

  • Alain Dervieux attended a seminar of the Groupement de Recherche Interaction Fluid Structure, in Sophia-Antipolis (november).

  • Laurent Hascoët is on the organizing commitee of the Euro AD Workshops. He attented this year's workshop in Berlin, Germany (december).

  • Trond Steihaug gave a talk on "Factorable Programming revisited" at the 12th Euro AD Workshop in Berlin, Germany (december).

  • Laurent Hascoët is a member of the internal “CDT” committee at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (“Comité Développement Technologique”).

  • TROPICS is coordinator of the ANR project ECINADS, with PUMAS team, university Montpellier 2, Institut de mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse and the Lemma company in Sophia-Antipolis. ECINADS concentrates on solution algorithms for state and adjoint systems in CFD.