Section: Software
Participant : Hervé Marchand.
Sigali is a model-checking tool that operates on ILTS (Implicit Labeled Transition Systems, an equational representation of an automaton), an intermediate model for discrete event systems. It offers functionalities for verification of reactive systems and discrete controller synthesis. It is developed jointly by the ESPRESSO and VerTeCs teams. The techniques used consist in manipulating the system of equations instead of the set of solutions, which avoids the enumeration of the state space. Each set of states is uniquely characterized by a predicate and the operations on sets can be equivalently performed on the associated predicates. Therefore, a wide spectrum of properties, such as liveness, invariance, reachability and attractivity, can be checked. Algorithms for the computation of predicates on states are also available [6] [28] . Sigali is connected with the Polychrony environment (ESPRESSO project-team) as well as the Matou environment (VERIMAG ), thus allowing the modeling of reactive systems by means of Signal Specification or Mode Automata and the visualization of the synthesized controller by an interactive simulation of the controlled system. Sigali is registered at APP.