Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National initiatives

ANR TesTec: Test of real-time and critical embedded system

Participants : Nathalie Bertrand, Thierry Jéron, Hervé Marchand.

The TesTec project is a three years [2008-2010] industrial research project that gathers two companies: an end-user (EDF R&D ) and one software editor for embedded real-time systems and automation systems (Geensys), and four laboratories from automation engineering and computer science (I3S, INRIA Rennes, LaBRI, LURPA). This project focuses on automatic generation and execution of tests for the class of embedded real-time systems. They are highly critical. Such systems can be found in many industrial domains, such as energy, transport systems. More precisely the project TesTec will address two crucial technological issues:

  • optimisation of test generation techniques for large size systems, in particular by an explicit modelling of time and by simultaneous management of continuous and discrete variables in hybrid applications;

  • reduction of the size of the tests derived from specification models by using the results of formal verification of implementation models.

The overall aim of this project is to propose a software tool for generation and execution of tests; this tool will be based on an existing environment for embedded systems design and will implement the scientific results of the project.

This year our contributions to this project were our works on test generation from timed models, as well as approximate determinization of timed automata.

In 2011, the post-doc position of Puneet Bhateja was funded by TestTec.

ANR VACSIM: Validation of critical control-command systems by coupling simulation and formal analysis

Participants : Nathalie Bertrand, Thierry Jéron, Hervé Marchand.

The Vacsim project (2011-2014) is a 3 years project with EDF R&D, Dassault Systèmes, LURPA Cachan, I3S Nice and Labri Bordeaux. The project aims at developping both methodological and formal contributions for the simulation and validation of control-command systems. The rôle of the Vertecs team will be to contribute to the advance of validation techniques for timed systems, including quantitative analysis and its application to testing, monitoring of timed systems, and verification of communicating timed automata.

Action Incitative VeSPa: Verification of security and privacy properties

Participant : Nathalie Bertrand.

The VeSPa "Action Incitative" is a one-year [2011] project funded by Rennes 1 University to develop emerging research themes. The goal of the project is to strat and verify security and privacy properties in protocols, using logic and games techniques. The participants are Sophie Pinchinat (leader, S4), Sébastien Gambs (Cidre), Guillaume Aucher (DistribCom), and Nathalie Bertrand (Vertecs). To gather researchers interested in the topic, the second edition of a workshop on Games, Logics and Security has been organized in October 2011.