Section: Scientific Foundations

Image segmentation and analysis

This topic is very classical in computer vision. For the concern of medical image computing, we are focusing on the development of new tools devoted to the restoration of corrupted images coming from the sources and to the segmentation of anatomical structures based on deformable shape models.

Statistical methods for image restoration: New applications of medical imaging systems are parallel to the development or the evolution of new machinery which come with specific artifacts that are still only partially understood. This is the case for instance with high field MRI, 3D ultrasound imaging or other modalities. With regards to the images to process and analyze, these artifacts translate into geometric or intensity distortions that drastically affect not only the visual interpretation, but also most of the segmentation or registration algorithms, and the quantitative measures that follow. A better comprehension of these artifacts necessitates an increased dialogue between the physicists (who make the images), the computer scientists (who process the images) and the clinicians (who interpret the images). This should lead to define new, specifically-designed algorithms, based on statistical models taking into account the physics of the acquisition.

Segmentation using deformable shapes: We aim at proposing a generic framework to build probabilistic shape models in a 3D+t space applied to biomedical images with a particular emphasis on the problem of modeling anatomical and functional structures in neuroimaging (functional delineations, cortical or deep brain structures). Based on our previous contributions in this domain  [57] , [58] , [60] , we work on a methodological framework to segment 3D shapes and to model, in space and time, shape descriptors which can be applied to new extracted shapes; this with the aim of proposing new quantification tools in biomedical imaging.