Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National initiatives


Participants : Jan Petr, Christian Barillot.

We participate in the US comp project, headed by Lagadic project. UScomp aims at developing methods to compensate in real-time the soft tissue motion. Organs are imaged with an ultrasound probe held by a robotic arm. Within the project, we have contributed to develop a real-time ultrasound processing thanks to a GPU implementation of an adapted NL-means approach, the implementation of a graph cut segmentation method being developed through the post doc position of Jan Petr.

ANR “Neurological and Psychiatric diseases“ NUCLEIPARK

Participants : Christian Barillot, Sylvain Prima, Olivier Commowick.

This three-year project, led by CEA/NEUROSPIN (Cyril Poupon) in Saclay, will start in fall 2009. It involves a collaboration with Visages and Odyssee INRIA project-teams and INSERM La Pitié-Salpétrière, Paris. Its goal is to study high field MR imaging (7T and 3T) of the brainstem, the deep nuclei and their connections in the parkinsonian symdromes, with applications to prognosis, pathophysiology and improvement of therapeutic strategies methodological solutions. Our contribution in this project is on processing of diffusion imaging and on study of cortical differences between the different populations.

ANR Cosinus VIP

Participants : Bernard Gibaud, Olivier Luong, Germain Forestier, Christian Barillot.

VIP is collaborative project supported by ANR "Conception and Simulation"; it was accepted in 2009 (around 1 million euros). VIP aims at building a computing environment enabling multi-modality, multi-organ and dynamic (4D) medical image simulation, using GRID infrastructure. The goal is to integrate proven simulation software of the four main imaging modalities (MRI, US, PET and X-Ray/CT), and to cope interoperability challenges among simulators. The partners are CREATIS in Lyon (maain contractor, Principal Investigator: Tristan Glatard), UNS-I3S in Nice, CEA-LETI in Grenoble and MAAT-G Maat G, a spanish company. The role of VISAGES in this project concerns primarily Task 1.1 and Task 3.3, focusing respectively on ontologies development and application to multiple sclerosis images simulation. This grant serves as support for the positions of Olivier Luong (PhD student) and Germain Forestier (post-doc).