Section: Software


Participant : Alexandre Abadie.

VistaL is a software platform of 3D and 3D+t image analysis allowing the development of generic algorithms used in different contexts (rigid and non-rigid registration, segmentation, statistical modelling, calibration of free-hand 3D ultrasound system and so on, diffusion tensor image processing, tractography). This software platform is composed of generic C++ template classes (Image3D, Image4D, Lattice and so on) and a set of 3D/3D+t image processing libraries. VistaL is a multi-operating system environment (Windows, Linux/Unix...). A web site presenting the project has been developped, precompiled packages and the SDK are now available. VistaL APP registration number is:IDDN.FR.001.200014.S.P.2000.000.21000.

See also the web page http://vistal.gforge.inria.fr .

Figure 1. Some ViSTAL results screenshots: a) The ViSTAL Logo, b) ViSTAL Brain surface and sulci modelisation, c) The ROI3D Extraction view
  • Keywords: medical image processing, image analysis, registration, segmentation, denoising

  • Software benefit: New methodological image processing, some GPU based algorithms, easy to use C++ library

  • APP: IDDN.FR.001.200014.S.P.2000.000.21000

  • License: Licence Propriétaire

  • Type of human computer interaction: C++ API and less complete Python API

  • OS/Middleware: Windows, Mac et Linux.

  • Required library or software: CMake (GPL) - ITK (BSD) - VTK (BSD) - Boost (BSD) - Libxml++ (LGPL) - CppUnit (LGPL)

  • Programming language: C/C++, Python

  • Documentation: Documentation Doxygen, documentation utilisateur.