Section: Dissemination


License & Master

  • Licence: Computer Networks, 130h/year, L2, University of Grenoble – C. Roisin

  • Licence: Programming in Java, 20h/year, L3, University of Grenoble – C. Roisin

  • Licence: Web Technologies (XML, XSLT), 20h/year, L3, University of Grenoble – C. Roisin

  • Licence: Language Theory, 18h/year, L3, University of Grenoble – N. Gesbert

  • Master: Foundations for XML: logics and automata, 18h/year, M2 (Mosig), University of Grenoble – P. Genevès

  • Master: Multimedia systems, 6h/year, M2, University of Grenoble – N. Layaïda

PhD & HdR

  • PhD: Everardo Bárcenas Patiño, Automated reasoning on trees with cardinality constraints, Grenoble University, 14 February 2011, advisors: Vincent Quint and Nabil Layaïda

  • PhD in progress: Melisachew Chekol, Reasoning on regular queries for graphs, since October 2009, advisors: Jérôme Euzenat and Nabil Layaïda